Publications by Lorraine Gaudio

ANTH 504 Week 8 T-test: Comparing Two Means


T-tests: Comparing Two Means This document was composed from Dr. Snopkowski’s ANTH 504 Week 8 lecture and Danielle Navarro’s 2021 Learning statistics with R Chapter 13. Statistical Tests For each statistical test we discuss, I want you to note: What type of variables do we need for this test? What is the null and alternative hypotheses? Wh...

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Review Key


Load Packages library(tidyverse) library(ggplot2) library(dslabs) library(readxl) library(car) Review Q1 Import dataframe Modality <- read_excel("Modality.xlsx") A. Boxplots boxplot(Modality$Final ~ Modality$Modality, xlab = "Teaching Modality", ylab = "Final Exam Score") It looks like f2f is higher than the other 2 B. Assumptions of ANOV...

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Load Data library(readr) library(readxl) library(haven) library(tidyverse) load("chico.Rdata") load("clinicaltrial.Rdata") pay_and_security <- read_csv("pay and security.csv") ATV_riders_1 <- read_excel("ATV_riders-1.xlsx") Drug_df <- read_sav("Drug.sav") Lab DEPENDENT T-TEST We will use the data chico.Rdata. This data represents 20 students...

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Load Data library(readr) library(readxl) library(haven) library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ── ## ✔ ggplot2 3.4.0 ✔ dplyr 1.0.10 ## ✔ tibble 3.1.8 ✔ stringr 1.5.0 ## ✔ ti...

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One-way ANOVA


One-way ANOVA – comparing more than 2 means This document was composed from Dr. Snopkowski’s ANTH 504 Week 8 lecture and Danielle Navarro’s 2021 Learning statistics with R Chapter 14. • When we want to compare means we can use a t-test. This test has limitations: • You can compare only 2 means: often we would like to compare means fr...

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Dependent T-Test


Introduction This document was composed from Dr. Snopkowski’s ANTH 504 Week 8 lecture and Danielle Navarro’s 2021 Learning statistics with R Chapter 13. Dependent t-test • Compares two means based on related data. • E.g., Data from the same people measured at different times. • Data from ‘matched’ samples. Sometimes called: “Mat...

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Dependent T-Test


Introduction This document was composed from Dr. Snopkowski’s ANTH 504 Week 8 lecture and Danielle Navarro’s 2021 Learning statistics with R Chapter 13. Dependent t-test • Compares two means based on related data. • E.g., Data from the same people measured at different times. • Data from ‘matched’ samples. Sometimes called: “Mat...

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ANTH 504 Week 8 T-test: Comparing Two Means


T-tests: Comparing Two Means This document was composed from Dr. Snopkowski’s ANTH 504 Week 8 lecture and Danielle Navarro’s 2021 Learning statistics with R Chapter 13. Statistical Tests For each statistical test we discuss, I want you to note: What type of variables do we need for this test? What is the null and alternative hypotheses? Wh...

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HW_ 7


T-TEST T-TEST We will begin by using the file “Invisibility.csv” Note: Use the Import From Text (readr) option to import. You’ll get funky column headings if you use From Text (base) library(readr) library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ───────────────────────────────�...

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HW_ 6


ANTH 504 – Chi-square Lab There are 4 things we want to know for each statistical test: What types of variables are needed for this type of test? What is the null and alternative hypothesis? How do we conduct the test? What are the assumptions? How do we test them? What to do if the assumptions are not met? In this lab, we’ll go through the...

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