Publications by Sung Lee
Sung Lee Data 607 Week 5 Assignment
Assignment on RPubs Rmd on Github Introduction This assignment’s purpose is to tidy and transform the flights wide format table below through the use of tidyr and dplyr. The wide format of the table has been created beforehand as a csv file named airlines.csv. #Calling the stringr, tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2 libraries library(stringr) library(t...
1041 sym R (3604 sym/17 pcs) 2 img
Sung Lee Project 1
Project on RPubs Rmd on Github Introduction This project will read the Chess tournament text file hosted on Github at and will generate a CSV file. We will only be interested in the player’s wins, losses, and draws with other opponents. The following...
861 sym R (4635 sym/6 pcs) 1 tbl
Data 607 Week 2 Assignment
Assignment on RPubs Rmd on Github Setup: Recreating the database The database created for this assignment is called movies. A mysqldump of the database was taken from a MariaDB Server 5.5.64. However, the dump would be compatible with a MySQL server. To recreate the database, one would only need to create a new database CREATE DATABASE my_new_d...
1528 sym R (881 sym/7 pcs) 3 img
Sung Lee Data 607 Week 1 Assignment
Week 1 Assignment on RPubs Rmd on Github Introduction The article I selected is Marriage Isn’t Dead — Yet by Ben Casselman. The article reports on the decline of marriage in America by utlizing marriage rates by variables such as gender, education, children, and race. require(plyr) ## Loading required package: plyr #Reads data from Github ...
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R Winter Workshop Final Project
Final Assignment on RPubs Rmd on Github Data Exploration: This should include summary statistics, means, medians, quartiles, or any other relevant information about the data set. Please include some conclusions in the R Markdown text. require(plyr) ## Loading required package: plyr require(ggplot2) ## Loading required package: ggplot2 z_file <...
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Week 2 Assignment
Week 2 Assignment on RPubs Rmd on Github require(plyr) ## Loading required package: plyr # Load data # US Births in 1969 - 1988 z_file <- gzcon(url("")) raw_csv <- textConnection(readLines(z_file)) close(z_file) birthday_data <- read.table(raw_csv, h...
1429 sym R (3042 sym/29 pcs) 2 img
Sung Lee Week 1 Assignment
RPubs URL Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial. #The factorial function takes in integer values (negative or positive) factorial <- function(x) { if ( x < 0 ) return (-1 * factorial(abs(x))) if (x == 0 | x == 1) return (1) else { factorial_value <- 1 for (i in 1:x){ factorial_value <- factorial_value * i } ...
527 sym R (1155 sym/10 pcs)
Sung Lee Week 3 Assignment
Assignment on RPubs Rmd on Github Using the 173 majors listed in’s College Majors dataset [], provide code that identifies the majors that contain either “DATA” or “STATISTICS” library(stringr) majorCSV <- read.csv("https://raw.g...
1782 sym R (3718 sym/22 pcs)
Sung Lee Data 607 Project 2
Assignment on RPubs Rmd on GitHub Introduction The purpose of this project is to work with three datasets, tidy the data, and repurpose for data analysis. The three datasets I will use are: Leo Yi’s climate data from https:/, Philip Tanofsky’s Coronavirus data
4666 sym R (11816 sym/58 pcs) 11 img
Data 607 Week 6 Assignment
Assignment on RPubs Rmd on Github Introduction This week’s assignment is to work with the web uibiquitous forms of html, xml, and json. This assignment will work with and identify differences between three files: books.html, books.xml, and books.json. The books in the brief inventory are from the dystopian science fiction genre. One book Look...
2365 sym R (3640 sym/24 pcs)