Publications by lmj
An dashboard example
Am dashboard example Visualizations Column mtcars:mpg VS wt there seems to be a linear relationship between mpg and wt iris: Petal.Length VS Petal.Width there seems to be a linear relationship pedal length mpg and width Column mpg wt Petal.Length Petal.LWidth Tables mtcars iris Components It is a examples for my flexdashboard notes...
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HTML documents in Rmarkdown
1 html document 2 Table of contents 2.1 Floating TOC 3 Section numbering 4 Tabbed sections 5 Appearance and style 5.1 自定义CSS 6 Figure options 7 Data frame printing 8 Code folding 9 MathJax equations 10 Keep Markdown 11 Include other html HTML documents in Rmarkdown 1 html document 在YAML元数据中指定html_document输出格式 ---...
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R markdown basics
1 Installation 2 Introduction to R Markdown 2.1 Video introduction to R Markdown 2.2 Examples applications 3 Compile R markdown document 4 Output format 5 R Markdown syntax 5.1 参考资料 5.2 常用语法 5.2.1 字体 5.2.2 链接 5.2.3 分区元素 5.2.4 数学表达式 6 R chunks 6.1 插入R code 6.2 Chunk options 6.3 Figures 6.3.1 使�...
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Bookdown Output Format
1 HTML output 1.1 Gitbook 1.1.1 创建Gitbook 1.1.2 Gitbook基本参数 1.1.3 Gitbook三个特有的参数 1.1.4 其他html设置 1.2 bs4_book 1.2.1 创建bs4_book 1.2.2 设置样式 1.2.3 突出显示单元 1.2.4 设置脚注位置 1.2.5 设置引用 1.2.6 设置库 1.3 default Bootstrap style 1.4 Tufte style 2 Other format 2.1 LaTeX/PDF fo...
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OUTPUT FORMAT FOR RMARKDOWN 1 HTML output 1.1 Gitbook 1.1.1 创建Gitbook 1.1.2 Gitbook基本参数 1.1.3 Gitbook三个特有的参数 1.1.4 其他html设置 1.2 bs4_book 1.3 default Bootstrap style 1.4 Tufte style 2 LaTeX/PDF format 3 E-books 4 Sigle document Proudly published with bookdown output format 1 HTML output Currently we have pro...
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Basics for Rmd
Basics Basics Compile R markdown document Output format R Markdown syntax 参考资料 常用语法 字体 代码 链接 分区元素 数学表达式 References & footnotes lmj 2023-03-22 Compile R markdown document knit button ctrl+shift+k rmarkdown::render xaringan::inf_mr Output format 通过YAML metadata里的ou...
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