Publications by Li-Hsin Chien

統計實務-Survival Analysis-Ch1 Example 2024-02-20


教科書: Klein & Moeschberger, Survival Analysis: Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data, 2nd 教科書中的資料可以從 R Package‘KMsurv’ 取得。 #install.packages("KMsurv") library(KMsurv) 1.2 Remission Duration from a Clinical Trial for Acute Leukemia (drug6mp) data(drug6mp) #?drug6mp drug6mp ## pair remstat t1 t2 relaps...

330 sym R (17274 sym/7 pcs)

迴歸模型 HW1


The dataset teengamb concerns a study of teenage gambling in Britain. Fit a regression model with the expenditure on gambling as the response and the sex, status, income and verbal score as predictors. Present the output. library(faraway) ## Warning: 套件 'faraway' 是用 R 版本 4.3.1 來建造的 data(teengamb) r<-lm(gamble~sex+status+inco...

1298 sym R (1193 sym/16 pcs)

迴歸模型: HW2


1. For the prostate data, fit a model with lpsa as the response and the other variables as predictors: library(faraway) ## Warning: 套件 'faraway' 是用 R 版本 4.3.1 來建造的 data(prostate) r<-lm(lpsa~.,data=prostate) summary(r) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = lpsa ~ ., data = prostate) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median ...

2106 sym R (3434 sym/16 pcs) 2 img

迴歸模型 hw12-5 v2


載入pima library(faraway) ## Warning: 套件 'faraway' 是用 R 版本 4.3.1 來建造的 data(pima) (a) summary(pima) ## pregnant glucose diastolic triceps ## Min. : 0.000 Min. : 0.0 Min. : 0.00 Min. : 0.00 ## 1st Qu.: 1.000 1st Qu.: 99.0 1st Qu.: 62.00 1st Qu.: 0.00 ## Median : 3....

2023 sym R (6613 sym/49 pcs) 1 img

迴歸模型 hw12-5


載入pima library(faraway) ## Warning: 套件 'faraway' 是用 R 版本 4.3.1 來建造的 data(pima) (a) summary(pima) ## pregnant glucose diastolic triceps ## Min. : 0.000 Min. : 0.0 Min. : 0.00 Min. : 0.00 ## 1st Qu.: 1.000 1st Qu.: 99.0 1st Qu.: 62.00 1st Qu.: 0.00 ## Median : 3....

2000 sym R (6613 sym/49 pcs) 1 img

迴歸模型 hw 12-30


The dataset esdcomp was recorded on 44 doctors working in an emergency service at a hospital to study the factors affecting the number of complaints recieved. library(faraway) ## Warning: 套件 'faraway' 是用 R 版本 4.3.1 來建造的 data(esdcomp) (a) Consider the rate of complaints in terms of the number received in relation to the numbe...

2867 sym R (4830 sym/20 pcs) 3 img

迴歸: 2023-12-26 Regression Tree


Chapter 16 Trees Section 16.1 Regression Trees 資料: ozone :A study the relationship between atmospheric ozone concentration and meteorology in the Los Angeles Basin in 1976. A number of cases with missing variables have been removed for simplicity. 讀入資料 library(faraway) data(ozone) #?ozone Tree 分析套件: rpart #install.packages...

502 sym R (3408 sym/19 pcs) 5 img

迴歸分析-ELM-binary response


Heart Disease Example 3154 healthy young men aged 39-59 from the San Francisco area were assessed for their personality type. All were free from coronary heart disease at the start of the research. Eight and a half years later change in this situation was recorded. library(faraway) ## Warning: 套件 'faraway' 是用 R 版本 4.3.1 來建造的 ...

1467 sym R (8593 sym/68 pcs) 4 img

迴歸模型-ELM-binary response


Heart Disease Example 3154 healthy young men aged 39-59 from the San Francisco area were assessed for their personality type. All were free from coronary heart disease at the start of the research. Eight and a half years later change in this situation was recorded. library(faraway) ## Warning: 套件 'faraway' 是用 R 版本 4.3.1 來建造的 ...

1458 sym R (8593 sym/68 pcs) 4 img

迴歸模型 logistic regression


Heart Disease Example 3154 healthy young men aged 39-59 from the San Francisco area were assessed for their personality type. All were free from coronary heart disease at the start of the research. Eight and a half years later change in this situation was recorded. library(faraway) ## Warning: 套件 'faraway' 是用 R 版本 4.3.1 來建造的 ...

1356 sym R (8593 sym/68 pcs) 4 img