Publications by Lex Comber and Chris Brunsdon
Groningen Spatial Analysis Workshop - Session 3: Visualisations with `ggplot2`
1. Introduction In this session we will extend the simple visualizations you have done in earlier sessions using core (base) R plotting functions to the ggplot2 package - a dedicated visualization package based on the Grammar of Graphics (Wilkinson, 2005) (hence the gg in the name of the package). This conceptualizes graphics (and plots) in terms...
16488 sym R (9335 sym/65 pcs) 29 img 1 tbl
Groningen Spatial Analysis Workshop - Session 6: Spatial Interaction Models
1. Introduction Having seen a talk about spatial interaction models, in this session you will see how to fit one using R. The data you will work with relates to Groningen. The code below pulls the data down. download.file("","") unzip("") gron_...
17283 sym R (8260 sym/45 pcs) 1 img
Groningen Spatial Analysis Workshop - Session 5: Other Forms of Regression
1. Introduction Earlier in the program we looked at basic regression. As a reminder, this was a way of modelling the relationshiop between a response variable \(y_i\) and a number of predictor variables \(x_{i1} \cdots x_{im}\), for each observation \(i\) (\(i = 1 \cdots n\)). The basic model used was \[ y_{i} = \beta_0 + \sum_{k=1}^{k=m} \beta_k...
17924 sym R (5225 sym/28 pcs) 3 img 4 tbl
Groningen Spatial Analysis Workshop - Session 0: Pre-Workshop homework
NB: this is an Rstudio version of the document here: Supporting code and data can be found here: 1. Starting Up R and R studio must must be installed on your system! You should have a separate working directory for each major project. You can store data inputs...
22394 sym R (10229 sym/129 pcs) 6 img
Groningen Spatial Analysis Workshop - Session 2: Regression
1. Introduction In this practical you will use regression, probably the standard method for constructing predictive models. You will learn how to set up a regression, consider about some of the key issues in model construction (selection) and develop local, kernel based regression models using GWR (Brunsdon et al 2016; Fotheringham et al 2002). Y...
16803 sym R (5600 sym/29 pcs) 10 img 4 tbl
Groningen Spatial Analysis Workshop - Session 4: Introduction to Spatial Data and Mapping
Preliminaries For this practical session you will need to have the following packages installed and loaded: # test for package existance and install if (!is.element("sf", installed.packages())) install.packages("sf", dep = T) if (!is.element("GISTools", installed.packages())) install.packages("GISTools", dep = T) if (!is.element("tmap", ...
31205 sym R (17425 sym/115 pcs) 19 img 1 tbl
Groningen Spatial Analysis Workshop - Session 1: getting started
Introduction and getting started This session sets up the main session in the rest of the workshop. The aims of this session are to Make sure you have R / RStudio installed and ready on your computer Go through any queries or questions you have from the introductory materials in Session 0 Provide you with the basic tools to get you started with ...
13388 sym R (8990 sym/51 pcs) 7 img
Spatial Accuracy GWPCA workshop - Session 4: Uses of GWPCA
Introduction GWPCA can be used for a number of applications including classification (eg Cluster Analyses (unsupervised) and Discriminant Analysis (supervised)) and sample design (sample selection). In this session you will use the farm data again. Load the packages and the data into your R session and create a spatial data set. Note the use of t...
4749 sym R (20678 sym/43 pcs) 8 img
INIA International Workshop on Spatial Analysis in R - Session 7: Regression and spatial heterogeneity effects with Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR)
Overview This session covers the following topics on linear and (locally-linear) regression modelling with spatial data: Calibration of a Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) Calibration of a Multiscale GWR Visualisation and interpretation of GWR outputs This session concerns the consequences of incorporating or not incorporating spatially ...
20391 sym R (13559 sym/44 pcs) 7 img
INIA International Workshop on Spatial Analysis in R - Session 2: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Mapping
Overview This session covers the following topics: Manipulating data and spatial data (single data tables, joining data tables, piping with dplyr) Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of non-spatial properties Spatial EDA: mapping with the tmap package The exercises in this session use the Liudaogou watershed data again. A number of different packag...
37925 sym R (18604 sym/103 pcs) 25 img 3 tbl