Publications by Laboratory Exercise No. 5

Advance Quantitative Data Analysis Tools


Advance Quantitative Data Analysis Tools Norberto E. Milla, Jr. Department of Statistics, Visayas State University Outline of presentation Introduction to softwares: R/RStudio, JASP, and jamovi Descriptive statistics: Frequency tables and plots for categorical data, Summary statistics and plots for continuous data Inferential sta...

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Stat 122 Long Exam No. 4 2Sem AY 2022-2023


Instructions: Answer the following as indicated. Show detailed solutions. Problem No. 1: Let \(Y_1, Y_2, \cdots, Y_n\) denote a random sample from a population with mean \(\mu\) and variance \(\sigma^2\). Consider the following three estimators for \(\mu\). \[\begin{align} \hat{\mu}_1 &= \frac{1}{2}(Y_1 + Y_2) \notag \\ \hat{\mu}_2 &= \frac{...

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Econ 115 Lab Exercise No. 3


The data set, loanapp.csv, includes actual data from 1,777 mortgage loan applications, including whether or not a loan was approved, and a number of possible explanatory variables including demographic information of the applicants and financial variables related to the applicant’s ability to pay the loan such as the applicant’s income and...

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Stat 136 Lab Exercise No. 5


INSTRUCTION: Provide details of all calculations. Submit your answer sheet in PDF. Let a random sample of 5 observations from a \(N(25, \sigma^2)\) distribution be 26.05, 29.39, 23.58, 23.95, and 23.38. What is the equation of the likelihood function of the variance . Out prior belief is that the distribution of the standard deviation has med...

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Econ 115 Lab Exercise No. 2


Use the meap93 data set in the wooldridge package for this exercise. In this data set math10 denote the percentage of tenth graders at a high school receiving a passing score on a standardized mathematics exam while lnchprg denote the percentage of students who are eligible for the lunch program. Fit the following models to the data and perfor...

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Stat 122 Problem Set No. 4


INSTRUCTION: Present neat and detailed solutions. Problem No. 1 Suppose that \(Y_1, Y_2, Y_3\) denote a random sample from an exponential distribution with density function \[ f_Y(y) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{\theta} e^{-\frac{y}{\theta}}, y>0 \\ 0, \text{elsewhere} \end{cases} \] Consider the following five estimators of \(\theta\): \[\be...

1206 sym

Stat 136 Lab Exercise No. 4


INSTRUCTION: Provide details of all calculations. Problem 1 A School District Supervisor is interested to verify the claim that female school heads/principals are better at managerial skills than their male counterparts. He obtained data on management skills of random samples of 13 male and 12 female school heads from four school districts us...

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Stat 142 Laboratory Exercise No. 4


Stat 142 (Time Series Analysis) Laboratory Exercise No. 4 Author Norberto E. Milla, Jr. Consider wmurders data set in the fpp2 package. It contains the number of women murdered each year (per 100,000 standard population) in the United States. By studying appropriate graphs of the series in R, find an appropriate ARIMA( p, d, q) model for thes...

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Econ 115s Second Long Exam (Part 2)


Econ 115s (Introduction to Econometrics) Second Long Exam (Part 3) Published April 26, 2023 Load the gpa3 data set of the wooldridge package. To know more about the variables in the data set, open this link gpa3. Fit the following model: \[ cumgpa = \beta_0 + \delta_0 female + \beta_1 sat + \beta_2 hsperc + \beta_3 tothrs + u \] Interpret e...

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Stat 142 Long Exam 2 (Part 3)


Stat 142 (Time Series Analyis) Long Exam No. 2 (Part 3) Author Norberto E. Milla, Jr. Published April 24, 2023 The data set DepartmentStoreSales.csv contains quarterly sales for a department store over a 6-year period. Plot and describe the time series. What components are present in the data? [4 points] Use the first 20 quarters as the tra...

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