Publications by krishnad2

Aggregating basic statistics group-wise in R


Many times, while doing Statistical analysis, we have to evaluate the descriptive statistics like mean, standard deviation and so on for a number of variables, group-wise. Most of the Statistical packages like SAS, SPSS and so on provide these features. In R, the data.table package is very useful for aggregating these types of results and to tabu...

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Analysis of tabular data from csv file


Sometimes data may not be available in the csv file in the required format. Consider the following csv file, whose details are as follows – Four different treatments were given to four different groups of patients. Random samples of size 7 were selected from each group and blood levels of Hb percentage levels were measured after one month. The ...

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Curve Fitting or Polynomial Regression between two variables


When the relation between two variables x and y is not linear and if there exists a curvilinear relationship (which can be observed by means of a scatter plot between x and y), then one can perform curve fitting or polynomial regression between these two variables. To know the details as to how to perform curve fitting or polynomial regression be...

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Rcmdr Plug-in(s)


These plug-ins enhance statistical graphical user interface by extending new menus to statistical package provided by Rcmdr. While the original GUI was created for a basic statistics calculations, enabling of extensions (or plug-ins) has greatly enhanced the possible use and scope of this software. Installing these plug-ins is quite easy. They ca...

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Application of Object Oriented System of R for generating descriptive statistics group-wise


Introduction There are many packages available in R like data.table, tables, psych etc. to provide descriptive statistics like mean, standard deviation etc.  group-wise(factor-wise) for number variables.  In this article, an attempt is made to generate similar type of tabulated results utilizing  the  functions available in the base package a...

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Commercial Applications using R


Introduction R language can also be used for commercial applications. In this article, I will describe how R language can be used for a commercial application like Payroll. In this exercise let us assume that in a typical Indian Company, every employee gets two types of allowances called Dearness Allowance(DA) and House Rent Allowance(HRA) beside...

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