Publications by klr

Foreign Currencies and US 10y Treasury Yields


Since I explored the relationship between the Japanese Yen and the US 10y Treasury Yield on Friday, I thought it might be worthwhile to extend the exploration to a much broader range of currencies. I personally am most interested on how Asian Central Bank manipulation has affected the US 10y yield, and how if that changes what might be the impact...

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Look Over My Shoulder with Hangout?


Inspired by the post More Office Hours in 2012 and the survey results, I thought I would offer office hours while blogging/playing in R.  If anyone is interested, please send me an email at kent.russell at, or just look for me at Google Hangout.  I’ll do my first 1/18/2012 from 4:27 pm to 5:00 pm central.   follow up: got...

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All I Don’t Know About Surveys


I believe my survey experiment Survey Time illustrated later in this post and in Google’s Visualization of Survey Responses mainly pointed out how ignorant I am about the very complicated science of surveying from building the survey to the visualization of the results.  Thanks very much though to all the fine folks who responded, and I’m al...

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More Beautiful Growth of $1 Chart


With all my recent focus on reporting and visualization, you might think that I have the investments all figured out.  Unfortunately, that is not the case, and I will resume more standard investment and systems posts soon.  I did want to share what I think are two more beautiful Growth of a $1 visualizations.  Although my lattice code is far f...

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Simplified Example of Systematic Investor’s Fine Work


THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE AND IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. ACTING ON THIS WILL LOSE LOTS OF MONEY. Systematic Investor Blog (be sure to check out the site) offers extremely good examples of how to use R in finance.  Since I firmly believe more examples are always better, I wanted to provide an additional very simple example of how to use his Systemat...

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Japanese Trade and the Yen


I have had the pleasure over the last couple of weeks to help plan the CFA Society of Alabama 2012 Dinner featuring Jim Rogers and Barron’s Senior Editor Jack Willoughby.  The event was fantastic, and I would like to publicly thank Jim Rogers and Jack Willoughby for investing so much time and effort into the State of Alabama.  Both are incred...

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Japan Trade by Geographic Region


To further the analysis presented in Japanese Trade and the Yen, I thought I would take the more granular data provided by the Japanese Ministry of Finance on trade by geographic region.  Of course, I will use R to read, analyze, and plot the .csv data.  Below you will see there are only two remaining regions where Japan has a trade surplus (No...

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Japan Trade More Specifically with Korea


Macro analysis of Japanese trade in posts Japanese Trade and the Yen and Japan Trade by Geographic Region revealed some very interesting changes.  Since the Korean Won is so undervalued versus the Japanese Yen on a Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) basis, I was very interested in how this undervaluation might have affected Japanese and Korean trade ...

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Opinions Not Backed by Money Updated Again


Strange that I am updating this post for a third time and nothing really has changed, but the fact that nothing has changed is incredibly interesting to me.  Since it is an update, I will not duplicate the explanation, so please read the last version Opinions Not Backed by Money Are Not That Believable–Updated and with R.  The basic conclusio...

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R Fell on Alabama–Presentation to Birmingham Open Source


Birmingham Open Source Software (BOSS) was kind enough to invite me to do a debut presentation on R.  I had a lot of fun.  Below is the embedded Youtube.  Please let me know how I can improve.  I really appreciate helpful feedback. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Timely Portfoli...

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