Publications by Kevin Stierhoff (maintainer)

2407RL - Lisa Marie


Quick plot of vessel path...

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plotCSV - 2407RL


Files listed below are processed and plotted at any time, but ideally prior to being processed using plotSurvey, estimateBiomass, etc. # Controls process.csv <- TRUE <- TRUE # Scale map to survey extent # Platform name, used to name resulting image file <- "LBC" # List full file paths csv.paths <- c(dir_ls("\\\\swc...

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plotSurvey - 2407RL (Lasker)


Acoustic backscatter, CUFES Egg Density, and Trawl Species Proportions for the 2407RL SWFSC Advanced Survey Technologies Group Last updated: 2024-08-29 09:52:22 PDT An interactive map of the distribution of 38-kHz integrated backscattering coefficients (\(s_A\), m2 nmi-2; averaged over 2000-m distance intervals) ascribed to CPS (from 5 to NASC.250...

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2407RL - plotCTD


Underway CTD (UCTD) Results Cast summary Summary of underway CTD (UCTD) casts conducted during the 2407RL aboard Lasker. Unprocessed UCTD casts List of UCTD casts not yet processed. ## All UCTD casts have been processed. Cast locations Location of underway UCTD (red numbers) casts. Gray numbers indicate acoustic transect line numbers from the su...

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2407RL - plotTrawls


## [1] "No new/changed TV80 data." ## No new TDR data have been processed. 1 Plots Below are TDR data for the last three trawl hauls. Black lines are vessel speed over ground (SOG, knots), purple is kite depth, and blue is footrope depth. If present, the red and green lines represent the starboard- and port-side trawl door depths, respectively. Th...

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2407RL - plotSurvey


Acoustic backscatter, CUFES Egg Density, and Trawl Species Proportions for the 2407RL SWFSC Advanced Survey Technologies Group Last updated: 2024-08-20 12:47:50 PDT An interactive map of the distribution of 38-kHz integrated backscattering coefficients (\(s_A\), m2 nmi-2; averaged over 2000-m distance intervals) ascribed to CPS (from 5 to NASC.250...

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2407RL - checkTrawls


1 Overview This is a tool used to visualize and conduct QA/QC of trawl specimen data collected during Acoustic-Trawl (AT) surveys of coastal pelagic fish species (CPS) in the California Current Ecosystem. The data below was collected during the Summer 2024 California Current Ecosystem Survey (CCES) (2407RL). 2 Length-weight summary View the length...

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2407RL - plotTrawl


## [1] "Processing new/changed TV80 data." ## No new TDR data have been processed. 1 Plots Below are TDR data for the last three trawl hauls. Black lines are vessel speed over ground (SOG, knots), purple is kite depth, and blue is footrope depth. If present, the red and green lines represent the starboard- and port-side trawl door depths, respecti...

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