Publications by Kent Dunn

STA 111 Lab 7


R Markdown We are going to stick with the same data as the last lab. In December of 2023, the Gallup organization released an article call “How Religious Are Americans”. Specifically, this article claims that: • 45% of Americans say religion is very important. • 26% of Americans say that religion is fairly important. • 28% of Americans sa...

6342 sym

STA 111 Lab 6


Question 1 Here is the text for the first question. What is the population of interest for this survey? The population we are interested in is americans. Question 2 Here is the text for the second question. How many people were interviewed for this survey, i.e., what is the sample size? They interviewed 2,024 adults aged 18 and over. Question 3 H...

8754 sym

STA 111 Lab 5 Kent Dunn


R Markdown Question 1 Here is the text for the first question. Is our population parameter a population mean or a population proportion? Due to its stated property of being a proportion of blue M&Ms relative to the whole population of M&Ms, it is a population proportion. Question 2 Here is the text for the second question. There are roughly 2.3 m...

7104 sym 1 img

STA 111 Lab 4 Kent Dunn


babyData <- read.csv('') Question 1 Here is the text for the first question. Create a histogram to explore the distribution of height, and describe the distribution. Make sure to label your axes! hist(babyData$height, col = "blue", main = "Mother's Height Distributio...

4685 sym Python (1367 sym/13 pcs) 4 img

Kent Dunn STA 111 Lab 3


load(url("")) Question 1 Here is the text for the first question. What is the name of the data set you just loaded? The data set is called “mlb11”. Question 3 Here is the text for the third question. What shape does the relationship between X = at bats and Y = runs need to be in order for us to re...

4684 sym 3 img

STA 111 Lab 2


library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union data("starwars") starwars ## # A tibble: 87 × 14 ## name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_...

5541 sym R (2122 sym/15 pcs) 3 img