Publications by Kelly Teitel

My Fourth Quarto Document for Stat 301 HW L03


My Fourth Quarto Document Author kelly Teitel Harvard Histogram...

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Assignment 8


1 Introduction The Iris data set contains three plant species (setosa, virginica, versicolor) and four features measured for each sample. The analysis and graphics below will calculate the basic statistical features of each trait for each species. Next, the code below will determine if Sepal Width is a good predictor of Sepal Length across all sp...

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1 Investigating The Breakdown of Netflix Media 2 Introduction Netflix is streaming service and production company that offers a library of films and television series. As of December 31, 2021, Netflix had over 221.8 million subscribers worldwide. With such a large diversity of users, Netflix is expanding its content to include media from all dif...

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1 Introduction IKEA is looking to open a new store in Boston, MA. In order to find a suitable locations for the new store, we must consider collected data sets from online GIS resources. We must ensure the locations satisfy the following criteria: (1) The store is located in census tracts with appropriate median income (25,000-80,000) and househo...

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1 Investigating The Breakdown of Netflix Media 2 Introduction Netflix is streaming service and production company that offers a library of films and television series. As of December 31, 2021, Netflix had over 221.8 million subscribers worldwide. With such a large diversity of users, Netflix is expanding its content to include media from all dif...

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Practice R Markdown Publish


library(ggplot2) library(knitr) ggplot(mpg, aes (cty, displ)) + geom_point () + geom_smooth(type = lm, se = F) + theme_classic() ## Warning: Ignoring unknown parameters: type ## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x' m <- lm(cty ~ displ, data= mpg) d <- coef( summary(m)) knitr::kable(d, align = "cccc", caption = "Fi...

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1 Introduction Climate change can affect the intensity and frequency of precipitation. Increasing fluctuations in precipitation can be problematic for economic stability and growth, as precipitation has an impact on many economic indicators such as agricultural yields or GDP. Climate change’s impacts on precipitation will likely be more drastic...

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