Publications by Kayleah Griffen

Tidyverse CREATE


Introduction The objective of this assignment was twofold (1) to practice collaborating around a code project with GitHub and (2) to use a capability of tidyverse and demonstrate it with a vignette. The gitHub repository the code was submitted to with a pull request is The dataset I chose to work w...

5248 sym R (8316 sym/11 pcs) 3 img

TidyText Practice


Introduction The objective of this assignment is to get familiarized with Natural Language Processing. To do this, first I will recreate an example of NLP from an NLP textbook and then do my own extension of the work through the examination of another text and the use of another sentiment lexicon. Text Mining Chapter 2 Example The following se...

16212 sym R (17119 sym/57 pcs) 12 img



Introduction The New York Times web site provides APIs, as described here: The objective of this assignment is to choose one of the New York Times APIs, construct an interface in R to read in the JSON data, and transform it into an R DataFrame. For the purposes of this assignment, I chose to work with the “...

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Nobel Prize API


Introduction The offers open data containing information about who has been awarded the Nobel Prize, when, in what prize category and the motivation, as well as basic information about the Nobel Laureates such as birth data and the affiliation at the time of the award. The data is currently available from 1901 - 2022. The categor...

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JSON, HTML and XML files


Introduction In this assignment the objective was to pick three of my favorite books on one of my favorite subjects, where at least one of the books should have more than one author. For each book, I needed to document the title, author(s), and two or three other attributes that I found interesting. Then, take the information that I had selecte...

2856 sym R (2006 sym/4 pcs) 3 tbl

COVID in Israel


Introduction The objective of this assignment is to use the provided COVID data on Israel’s vaccinated and non-vaccinated residents and answer the following questions: Do you have enough information to calculate the total population? What does this total population represent? Calculate the Efficacy vs. Disease; Explain your results. From y...

6140 sym R (4139 sym/28 pcs) 4 tbl

US Census International Mortality Rates


Introduction The objective of Project 2 is to get more practice tidying and transforming data. The U.S. Census International Data collects multiple types of data on 227 countries/areas. The data is available at: The explanation for the table collected is i...

3398 sym R (6176 sym/20 pcs) 3 img 1 tbl

Health Care Workers Employment and Salary Analysis


Introduction The objective of Project 2 is to get more practice tidying and transforming data. The CDC publishes data regarding employment numbers and mean salaries of healthcare workers for selected years. The data is available at: For analysis, the ...

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Chess Tournament Extension


Introduction In Project 1, a text file with chess tournament results was provided. The objective was to create an R Markdown file that generates a .CSV file with the following information for all of the players: Player’s Name, Player’s State, Total Number of Points, Player’s Pre-Rating, and Average Pre Chess Rating of Opponents For example...

4406 sym R (7026 sym/37 pcs) 2 tbl

Tidying and Transforming Data


Introduction The objective of this assignment is to read in a csv file that has the flight delays for two airlines in a wide format. Then to use tidyr and dplyr to tidy and transform the data. Lastly, to perform an analysis to compare the arrival delays for the two airlines. Tidying and Transforming Data First, load required packages. library(...

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