Publications by Karli Sutton



Rationale Priming theory, defined as the influence of media affects on an individual on their short-term behaviors and attitudes that are a result of processing attitudinal and behavioral cues embedded in media content, focuses specifically on the external response of an individual. In this experiment, the variables of “Actions” and “NextDay�...

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Week 7 Work


Rationale Elaboration likelihood model suggests that enduring attitude change depends upon time spent processing information-rich, high-quality persuasive arguments. In this experiment, the dependent variable, Favor_1, measures whether a research participant favored (1) or opposed (0) legalizing recreational marijuana, while the independent variabl...

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Week 5 Work


Rationale The theory used within this study is the cultivation theory, a theory based within sociological communications to discuss and examine the effects of media, with a more specific basis in television. Within this experiment, the percentage questions that were asked are dependant on the length of hours monitored watching television. Cultivati...

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Week 5 Work FINAL


Rationale The theory used within this study is the cultivation theory, a theory based within sociological communications to discuss and examine the effects of media, with a more specific basis in television. Within this experiment, the percentage questions that were asked are dependant on the length of hours monitored watching television. Cultivati...

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Week 4 Data Exercise


Rationale Agenda setting describes the “ability to influence the importance placed on the topics of the public agenda”. The theory suggests that the media has the ability to shape public opinion by determining what issues are given the most attention. In this experiment, 600 frequent Fox News and CNN viewers were pulled for a larger national su...

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Sandwich Experiment Week 3


Rationale Framing theory suggests that cues embedded in a media message can invite message consumers to interpret the message in a particular way. In this experiment, two randomly created groups viewed an ad for a new fast food sandwich, then were asked to estimate the number of calories in the sandwich. The ads were identical, with one exception. ...

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Descriptives Week 2


#Install and load required packages if (!require("dplyr")) install.packages("dplyr") ## Loading required package: dplyr ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union if (!requir...

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