Publications by Karlerik Naslund
wd<-getwd() cars<-read.csv("cars_data.csv") mean(cars $mpg) ## [1] 20.09062 min(cars$mpg) ## [1] 10.4 max(cars$mpg) ## [1] 33.9 length(cars$mpg) ## [1] 32...
12 sym
When you make an Rmarkdown file, always keep this chunk: lets also load tidyverse library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ── ## ✔ dplyr 1.1.4 ✔ readr 2.1.5 ## ✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.1 ## ✔ ggplo...
5176 sym R (2437 sym/58 pcs) 5 img
DEM 7223 - Homework 1
For homework #1 in DEM 7223, I will be performing a survival analysis on ELS:2002 data, specifically measuring the survival time for entry into community college after high school. #loading packages library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The followi...
5598 sym R (12729 sym/35 pcs) 5 img
DEM7223 - Homework 4
Homework 4 - Discreet Time Hazard Models In this assignment, I will be creating discreet time hazard models with the ELS:2002 data. The dependent variable, as usual, is community college entry after high school, the independent variables are as follows: Low SES (0 for high SES, 1 for low) Sex (Male/Female - as Factor) Race (Race/Ethnicity as def...
4148 sym R (71641 sym/24 pcs) 3 img
DEM 7223 - Homework 2
Dependent Variable In this homework assignment, I'll be creating various parametric models to estimate the effects of independent variables upon our outcome variable: first-time entry into community college after high school. This data is derived from the ELS:2002 dataset. #loading packages library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## T...
7657 sym R (14518 sym/46 pcs) 6 img
DEM 7223 Homework 3
Homework 3 - Cox Regression Models For this assignment, I will be fitting a cox regression model to the ELS:2002 dataset, in an attempt to answer the following question: what are the main variables affecting community college entry directly out of High school? To this end, I have chosen a set of independent variables that I hypothesize will eff...
5487 sym R (29550 sym/15 pcs) 6 img
fit.1<-glm(PCT_NON_MEDICAL_REFUSAL~PCT_BELOW_POV+TOTAL_POP+PCT_BA_OR_MORE+PCT_WHITE,data=schools_county,family=poisson) summary(fit.1) ## ## Call: ## glm(formula = PCT_NON_MEDICAL_REFUSAL ~ PCT_BELOW_POV + TOTAL_POP + ## PCT_BA_OR_MORE + PCT_WHITE, family = poisson, data = schools_county) ## ## Deviance Residuals: ## Min ...
3174 sym R (4414 sym/11 pcs) 1 img
Homework 5 - Discreet Time Hazard Models, Alternative Time Parameterizations In this assignment, I will be creating discreet time hazard models with the ELS:2002 data, but this time, focused on alternative time parameterizations. The dependent variable, as usual, is community college entry after high school, the independent variables will be limi...
2238 sym R (20423 sym/20 pcs) 4 img
colnames(els)<-toupper(colnames(els)) #college entry variables entry_variables<-els %>% select(STU_ID,SCH_ID,STRAT_ID,PSU,F2HS2P_P,F2PS1SEC,F3HS2PS1,F3PS1SEC,BYQXDATP,F1RDTLFT,BYSES1QU,F3QWT,BYP33,BYSEX,BYRACE,BYPARED,BYGPARED,F1RGPP2,BYMATHSE,BYSTEXP,BYPARASP) entry_variables<-entry_variables %>% mutate(PARENT_EXPECTATION=ifelse(BYPARASP==...
4390 sym R (31981 sym/44 pcs) 4 img
Homework 1 - DEM 7093
Karlerik Naslund QGIS R and R STUDIO ...
72 sym 2 img