Publications by K. Bret Staudt Willet
FSU-KNU Hackathon Analysis
Published output: Source code: Self-Directed Learning Please rate the degree to which you agree with the following statements about your participation in the event: ## # A tibble: 5 × 2 ## `Self-Directed Learning Enactment` ...
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Analysis of Course Titles in MSI Computing Programs
Data msi_by_program <- read_csv("msi-computing-by-program.csv") glimpse(msi_by_program) ## Rows: 174 ## Columns: 19 ## $ inst_name <chr> "Alabama A & M University", "Alabama A & M University"… ## $ ope_id <dbl> 100200, 100200, 239600, 354100, 206200, 114400, 398030… ## $ state_id <chr> "AL", "AL", "MS", "TX", "MD", "CA", ...
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Storm Effects
Coursera Course: Reproducible Research, Peer Assessment 2 Synopsis This report examines six decades (1950-2011) of storm event data from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Storm Database. The purpose of this study is to answer two questions related to the effects of storm events. Both questions consider storm events ...
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Dissertation Themes
Heatmap plots of themes from interviews with new teachers These plots provide a very quick and rough look at clusters of new teachers and self-reported themes from interviews using the heatmap() function from {base} R and geom_tile() from {ggplot2}. Heatmap in {base} R, Viridis colors, Scaled but Unordered Heatmap in {base} R, Viridis colors, S...
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Twitter #Edchat during COVID-19 Pandemic
Looking at #Edchat tweets during COVID-19 (March-May 2020) We started by collecting #Edchat tweets between March 1 and May 31, 2020. This was done with four TAGS trackers: 2/20/20 - 4/17/20 (182,555 tweets) 4/17/20 - 5/6/20 (50,924 tweets) 5/6/20 - 5/26/20 (54,578 tweets) 5/26/20 - 6/16/20 (47,654 tweets) We remove duplicate tweets and then get a...
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Pandemic Subreddits
Data Collection and Cleaning First, we need to define a function, get_posts(), to retrieve subreddit posts for us. We also need to clean the raw data as it is retrieved in a somewhat messy JSON format. We define a function, clean_posts(), to accomplish this. We can then use get_posts() to retrieve data from our subreddits-of-interest, r/higheredu...
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Twitter #Edchat during COVID-19 Pandemic: UK vs US
Looking at #Edchat tweets during COVID-19 (February-May 2020) We started by collecting #Edchat tweets between February 1 and May 31, 2020. Data from March 1-May 31 were already collected and cleaned, leaving only tweets from February 2020. These were collected with two additional TAGS trackers: 1/28/20 - 2/20/20 (65,872 tweets) 2/20/20 - 4/17/20 ...
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