Publications by Justin K Joshuva
Capstone Milestone
Introduction The Capstone project milestone based on three text files from the file called “”. This folder contains 3 text files from news, blog and twitter. The steps of this project is 1. Download and load the project 2. Exploratory Analysis. 3. Text processing with Natural Language Procesing. 4. Display graphics based ...
907 sym R (3873 sym/15 pcs) 3 img
NOAA Analysis
Assignment The assignment is to explore the NOAA Storm Database and answer the following questions abhout weather events. 1. Across the United States, which types of events (as indicated in the EVTYPE variable) are most harmful with respect to population health? 2. Across the United States, which types of events have the greatest economic consequ...
1266 sym R (2579 sym/8 pcs) 2 img
Reproducible Pitch - Shiny
Application to calculate the Age of a Dog to Human YearsJustin K Joshuva02/18/2020 Decription This application will take in a dog's age and conver to human years. The program will ask to enter the age of the Dog and then convert to the age in human years. UI Code library(shiny) # Define UI for application that draws a histogram shinyUI(fluid...
698 sym R (2090 sym/2 pcs)
Reproducible Pitch - Shiny
Application to calculate the Age of a Dog to Human YearsJustin K Joshuva02/18/2020 Decription This application will take in a dog's age and conver to human years. The program will ask to enter the age of the Dog and then convert to the age in human years. The code can be found on The application resides on ...
833 sym R (2090 sym/2 pcs)
Plotly assignment
Data product Assignment 3: Webpage presentation using R Markdown and Plotly library(plotly) ## Loading required package: ggplot2 ## ## Attaching package: 'plotly' ## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2': ## ## last_plot ## The following object is masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter ## The following object is mask...
84 sym R (1211 sym/10 pcs)
Data Products - Week 2 assignment
Week 2 Assignment: R Markdown and Leaflet This assignment is to create an interactive map using the Leaflet library in R. library(leaflet) map <- leaflet() %>% addTiles() map <- map %>% addMarkers(lat = 43.722952,lng = 10.396597,popup = "Leaning Tower of Pisa") map ...
130 sym R (143 sym/1 pcs)
NOAA Storm Analysis
Assignment The assignment is to explore the NOAA Storm Database and answer the following questions abhout weather events. 1. Across the United States, which types of events (as indicated in the EVTYPE variable) are most harmful with respect to population health? 2. Across the United States, which types of events have the greatest economic consequ...
1031 sym R (2357 sym/8 pcs) 2 img
Capstone Presentation
Capstone PresentationJustin Joshuva Coursera Data Science Specilization: Capstone The Capstone project is to create a Shiny App that will predict the next words. The data came from the area of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) from Swiftkey. A corpus is created from the Swiftkey dataset. A corpus is body of text that contains extremely larg...
1233 sym 1 img