Publications by Julia Ferris

Homework 2 - R Programming


This contains a description of the data set: #Import the data library(readr) nuclearData <- read.csv("nuclear.csv") nuclearData ## cost date t1 t2 cap pr ne ct bw cum.n pt ## 1 460.05 68.58 14 46 687 0 1 0 0 14 0 ## 2 452.99 67.33 10 73 1065 0 0 1 0 ...

1317 sym R (7096 sym/34 pcs)

Homework 1 - R Programming


#Question 1 factorialFunction <- function(num) { result1 <- 1 for(number in 1:num) { if(number == 1) { next } else { result1 <- number * result1 } } return(result1) } factorialFunction(12) ## [1] 479001600 #Question 2 myVector <- seq(20,50,by=5) myVector ## [1] 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 #...

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