Publications by Julia Ferris
Project 2 - Tidy Data
library(readr) library(janitor) ## ## Attaching package: 'janitor' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## chisq.test, fisher.test library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:ba...
11540 sym R (20171 sym/53 pcs) 27 img 1 tbl
Assignment 5 - Tidy Data
Introduction This assignment uses a small data set containing the number of flights for two airlines that arrive on time or delayed. The data set is originally untidy, and it is then converted to a tidy data set. Then, the delays for both airlines are compared to determine which airline has fewer delays on average and total. Pull in data from ...
1236 sym R (1520 sym/14 pcs)
Lab 4 - Probability Distributions
library(tidyverse) library(openintro) library(ggplot2) Exercise 1 Make a plot (or plots) to visualize the distributions of the amount of calories from fat of the options from these two restaurants. How do their centers, shapes, and spreads compare? The distribution of the McDonald’s data has a center around 250, it is right-skewed, and it ...
17781 sym 21 img
Project 1 - Chess
Introduction In this document, the text file containing information about players in a chess tournament is imported and then formatted a specific way. First, the text file is imported. After it is imported, it is formatted into a new data frame that contains all relevant columns. Once the new data frame is completed, it is then output as a csv ...
1343 sym R (2929 sym/6 pcs) 1 tbl
Extra Credit - Movie Ratings
Extra Credit - DATA 607 Julia Ferris 2023-09-18 Step 1: Load the packages needed. Two packages are needed. readr is used to import the data. gt is used to format the data nicely. library(readr) library(gt) Step 2: Import the data. movies <- read_csv("
1634 sym 3 tbl
Assignment 3 - Regular Expressions
Introduction In this document, the four parts of Assignment 3 will be answered with code as the answer or as examples. Part 1: Identify the majors that contain DATA or STATISTICS. In this section, the readr package is used to import data from a CSV file that is located in a Git Hub repository. Then, majors with DATA or STATISTICS are filtered o...
2637 sym R (2574 sym/22 pcs) 2 tbl
Lab 2 - NYC Flights
library(tidyverse) library(openintro) library(ggplot2) Exercise 1 All three histograms are right-skewed. In the first histogram, the first bin has the highest count, and the counts decrease with each bin. A bin width smaller than the default 30 would provide more information. In the second histogram, the second bin has the highest count.The f...
12971 sym Python (5489 sym/50 pcs) 7 img 1 tbl
Assignment 2 - Movie Ratings
Importing Data The data loaded for this document comes from the MySQL .CSV file saved after running the MySQL script. library(readr) movies <- read_csv("C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 8.0/Uploads/movieFile1.csv", show_col_types = FALSE) Replacing NA Values Some of the people included in the data set did not see the movies in the list. This m...
2280 sym R (4064 sym/14 pcs) 11 img 1 tbl
Bob Ross Paintings - Statistical Analysis
Bob Ross Paintings September 9, 2023 Author Julia Ferris Introduction The data set included in this document displays information about the work of Bob Ross. The article titled “A Statistical Analysis of the Work of Bob Ross” describes the data analysis and interview conducted by the author, Walt Hickey. In the article, Hickey stated that B...
4825 sym 3 tbl
Final Project - Summer Bridge
library(readr) schoolData <- read.csv("") View(schoolData) schoolData <- schoolData[,3:5] head(schoolData) ## cog age trt ## 1 103 1.0 Y ## 2 119 1.5 Y ## 3 96 2.0 Y ## 4 106 1.0 Y ## 5 107 1.5 Y ## 6 96 2.0 Y Question: Did the infants in t...
2167 sym R (4255 sym/46 pcs) 5 img