Publications by jprimav

Mappa choropleth eventi di musica a Roma


Dove si svolgono gli eventi musicali a Roma? Prendiamo una settimana qualsiasi e visualizziamo, con R, gli eventi su una mappa di Roma divisa per zone urbanistiche. L’API di Allevents è un’ottima fonte per recuperare i dati sugli eventi di Facebook. In questo studio si analizzano gli eventi classificati come ‘parties’, ‘music’ o ‘...

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R Training – The Basics


This is the first module of a five-module training on R I conceived and taught to my ex-colleagues back in December 2016. RStudio is the suggested IDE to go through this module. For the raw code, example data and resources visit this repo on GitHub. Tips This notebook mixes plain text and R code (highlighted text in the boxes) Everything to t...

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R Training – Functions and programming blocks


This is the second module of a five-module training on R I conceived and taught to my ex-colleagues back in December 2016. RStudio is the suggested IDE to go through this module. For the raw code, example data and resources visit this repo on GitHub. Introduction Typing commands each time you need them is not very efficient Control statements a...

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R Training – Data Manipulation


This is the third module of a five-module training on R I conceived and taught to my ex-colleagues back in December 2016. RStudio is the suggested IDE to go through this module. For the raw code, example data and resources visit this repo on GitHub. Setup Load the packages in your workspacelibrary(data.table) library(dplyr)Let’s work with iris...

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R Training – Data Visualization


This is the fourth module of a five-module training on R I conceived and taught to my ex-colleagues back in December 2016. RStudio is the suggested IDE to go through this module. For the raw code, example data and resources visit this repo on GitHub. Graphics in data projects can be useful for several tasks including: understand data properties ...

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The most business-friendly countries in 2016


Which is the most business-friendly country, according to World Bank? Reading about the internazionalization of italian SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises, < 250 employees) I discovered an interesting indicator provided by the World Bank. It is called ‘Ease of doing business’ and it is used to rank economies worldwide on their business-friend...

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