Publications by Joshua Registe
Data 605 Assignment 10
Question 1 Smith is in jail and has 1 dollar; he can get out on bail if he has 8 dollars. A guard agrees to make a series of bets with him. If Smith bets A dollars, he wins A dollars with probability .4 and loses A dollars with probability .6. Find the probability that he wins 8 dollars before losing all of his money if (a) he bets 1 dollar each...
1342 sym
Data 621 Homework 3 (Group 3)
Source code: Instructions Overview In this homework assignment, you will explore, analyze, and model a data set containing information on crime for various neighborhoods of a major city. Each record has a response variable indicating whether or not the crime rate is above th...
19349 sym R (33831 sym/31 pcs) 15 img
Data 605 Assignment 13
1. Use integration by substitution to solve the integral \(\int 4e^{-7x}dx\) 1. Solution Let \(u = -7x\). and \(du = -7 dx \ \to \ dx = \frac{du}{-7}\). Our integral is now \(\int \frac{4e^{u}du}{-7}\). Taking out the constants: \(\frac{4}{-7}\int e^u du\). Replacing \(u\) leads to: \(\frac{-4}{7}e^{-7x} + C\). 2. Biologists are treating a pond...
4445 sym 1 img
Data 605 Assignment 15
library(tidyverse) 1. Find the equation of the regression line for the given points. Round any final values to the nearest hundredth, if necessary. \[ ( 5.6, 8.8 ), ( 6.3, 12.4 ), ( 7, 14.8 ), ( 7.7, 18.2 ), ( 8.4, 20.8 ) \] Solution \[\begin{align*} Y &= mX + b \\ m &= \frac{n\sum(xy) - \sum(x)\sum(y)}{n\sum(x^2) - (\sum x)^2} \\ b &= \fr...
3801 sym R (386 sym/4 pcs) 1 img
Data 624 Assignment 2
Do exercises 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.8 from the online Hyndman book. Please include your Rpubs link along with your .rmd file. 3.1 For the following series, find an appropriate Box-Cox transformation in order to stabilise the variance. exercise1<- function(data, name){ return1<- paste0("The boxcox transformation lambda value for the ", name...
1922 sym R (3714 sym/21 pcs) 8 img
Data 624 Assignment 1
The following Assignment 1 will be on from Chapter 2. Exercise 2.1 a autoplot() was used to plot each of these in separate plots as shown below library(forecast) library(kableExtra) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) defaulttheme<-theme(panel.background = element_blank(), pane...
5579 sym R (2656 sym/56 pcs) 32 img 3 tbl
Data 622 Homework 1
Data – 622 Homework # 1 Let’s use the Penguin dataset for our assignment. To learn more about the dataset, please visit: <> Below describes the penguin dataset where we have 344 observations with 8 features used to describe these observations. Three of these variables are nomina...
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Data 624 Assignment 3
Exercise from Chapter 6 6.2 The plastics data set consists of the monthly sales (in thousands) of product A for a plastics manufacturer for five years. a. Plot the time series sales of product A. Can you identify seasonal fluctuations and/or a trend-cycle? autoplot(plastics)+defaulttheme ggseasonplot(plastics, year.labels = T, year.labels.left...
2105 sym R (2726 sym/14 pcs) 12 img
Data 622 Homework 2
Code Show All Code Hide All Code Assignment 2 Assignment 2 Data – 622 Homework 2 Data Exploration Linear Discriminant analysis Model Preparation A. Linear Discriminant Analysis: B. Quadratic Discriminant Analysis C. Naive Bayes D. Summary Joshua Registe 3/19/2021 Data – 622 Homework 2 The dataset that will be used for this assignmen...
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Data 624 Assignment 4
Exercise from Chapter 3 3.1 The UV Irving Machine Learning Repository contains a data set related to glass identification. The data consist of 214 glass samples labeled as one of seven class categories. There are nine predictors, including the refractive index and percentages of eight elements: NA, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ba, Fe. a Using visualizati...
3090 sym R (1544 sym/9 pcs) 8 img 4 tbl