Publications by Jonathan Carroll
Bad Neighbours (no, not the movie)
Another day, another compulsion to see if I can do any better than someone’s solution. This one also comes from the FiveThiryEight Puzzler challenge courtesy of Xi’an The original challenge this time was The misanthropes are coming. Suppose there is a row of some number, N, of houses in a new, initially empty development. Misanthropes are mo...
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Bad Neighbours (no, not the movie)
Another day, another compulsion to see if I can do any better than someone’s solution. This one also comes from the FiveThiryEight Puzzler challenge courtesy of Xi’an The original challenge this time was The misanthropes are coming. Suppose there is a row of some number, N, of houses in a new, initially empty development. Misanthropes are mo...
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From a (set.)seed grows a mighty dataset
Can you predict the output from this code? printStr <- function(str) paste(str, collapse="") set.seed(12173423); x <- sample(LETTERS, 5, replace=TRUE) set.seed(7723132); y <- sample(LETTERS, 5, replace=TRUE) paste(printStr(x), printStr(y)) Okay, the first bit is straightforward; it’s a function that puts two string together into one. Th...
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From a (set.)seed grows a mighty dataset
Can you predict the output from this code? printStr <- function(str) paste(str, collapse="") set.seed(12173423); x <- sample(LETTERS, 5, replace=TRUE) set.seed(7723132); y <- sample(LETTERS, 5, replace=TRUE) paste(printStr(x), printStr(y)) Okay, the first bit is straightforward; it’s a function that puts two string together into one. Th...
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Images as x-axis labels
Open-source software is awesome. If I found that a piece of closed-source software was missing a feature that I wanted, well, bad luck. I probably couldn’t even tell if was actually missing or if I just didn’t know about it. When the source is available, maintained, and documented however, things get fun. We can identify, and perhaps fill gap...
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Images as x-axis labels
Open-source software is awesome. If I found that a piece of closed-source software was missing a feature that I wanted, well, bad luck. I probably couldn’t even tell if was actually missing or if I just didn’t know about it. When the source is available, maintained, and documented however, things get fun. We can identify, and perhaps fill gap...
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Images as x-axis labels (updated)
They say “if you want to find an answer on the internet, just present a wrong one as fact. Then wait.“ It didn’t take long, actually. Despite my searches while trying to get images into x-axis labels it seems I overlooked a working, significantly less hacky implementation. My Google-fu had in fact let me down. Baptiste Auguié (@tpab / @ba...
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Images as x-axis labels (updated)
They say “if you want to find an answer on the internet, just present a wrong one as fact. Then wait.“ It didn’t take long, actually. Despite my searches while trying to get images into x-axis labels it seems I overlooked a working, significantly less hacky implementation. My Google-fu had in fact let me down. Baptiste Auguié (@tpab / @ba...
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2016 Australian Federal Election Flexdashboard
Here in the land down under we’ve finally completed our Federal election. We complain that it seems to go on for too long, but it’s a brief distraction compared to the USA electoral process. I managed to do a small analysis on the votes at a finer scale than I thought would be available, and created a flexdashboard to present the results. Giv...
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2016 Australian Federal Election Flexdashboard
Here in the land down under we’ve finally completed our Federal election. We complain that it seems to go on for too long, but it’s a brief distraction compared to the USA electoral process. I managed to do a small analysis on the votes at a finer scale than I thought would be available, and created a flexdashboard to present the ...
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