Publications by Jonathan Burns
library(tinytex) ## Warning: package 'tinytex' was built under R version 4.3.2 library(matrixcalc) ##1. Problem set 1: Show that \(A^TA \neq AA^T\) in general. (Proof and demonstration) A <- matrix(c(2,5,-1,1,0,3,-4,2,-2), nrow = 3, byrow = T) At <- t(A) At ## [,1] [,2] [,3] ## [1,] 2 1 -4 ## [2,] 5 0 2 ## [3,] -1 ...
2161 sym R (2958 sym/40 pcs)
This data started in an excel document downloaded from Kaggle, I then MONGODB connection information Public Key: mypsqeek Private Key: ad00fd45-9d82-4b50-89fe-e9eac52eeed3 library(tidyverse) library(mongolite) library(maps) library(ggmap) library(sf) library(rnaturalearth) library(countrycode) library(ggrepel) library(stringr) librar...
1446 sym R (9153 sym/47 pcs) 12 img 3 tbl
Project Proposal 607 JB
Introduction: Sources: Earthquake: Poverty: For this project I will by trying my hand at using geographic data and exploring Earthquakes Worldwide in 2023. After looking over this dataset Ive recognized a few different methods I can...
1231 sym
Recommender Systems JB
The Assignment: Your task is to analyze an existing recommender system that you find interesting. You should: Perform a Scenario Design analysis as described below. Consider whether it makes sense for your selected recommender system to perform scenario design twice, once for the organization (e.g. and once for the organization’...
4609 sym 1 img
Project 4
For project 4 I found a more recent spam dataset from Kaggle which was last updated around 5 years ago. It can be found here: library(tidyverse) library(tm) library(NLP) library(caTools) ##Load data from Github I moved the downloaded Kaggle dataset into my github, making things mu...
1561 sym R (38286 sym/39 pcs) 1 img
Week 10 Assignment
##Packages library(tidyverse) library(stringr) library(tidytext) library(janeaustenr) library(textdata) library(gutenbergr) ##Example from book: tidy_books <- austen_books() %>% group_by(book) %>% mutate( linenumber = row_number(), chapter = cumsum(str_detect(text, regex("^chapter [\\divxlc]", ...
2074 sym R (7726 sym/42 pcs) 5 img
Project 3 JB MR
Question The team aimed to answer the question “Which are the most valued data science skills?” Packages needed: library(tidyverse) library(stringr) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(knitr) library(reshape2) library(RMySQL) library(wordcloud2) library(scales) library(gridExtra) library(plotly) ##Database Connection While I have...
3735 sym R (9633 sym/31 pcs) 7 img
Data 607 Project 3 Part 1
Description: Create a short document, with the names of group members. You should briefly describe your collaboration tool(s) you'll use as a group, including for communication, code sharing, and project documentation. You should have identified your data sources, where the data can be found, and how to load it. And you should have created at l...
7599 sym 1 img
Week 7 Assignment
##Rpubs Source code: HTML - XML - JSON - ##Packages Used library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────...
449 sym R (2303 sym/23 pcs)
Updated Project 1
library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ── ## ✔ dplyr 1.1.2 ✔ readr 2.1.4 ## ✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.0 ## ✔ ggplot2 3.4.3 ✔ tibble 3.2.1 ## ✔ lubridate 1.9.3 ✔ tidyr 1.3.0...
192 sym R (6567 sym/24 pcs) 1 tbl