Publications by Johnny Rodriguez
Data 607 Assignment 2
Data 607 - R and MySQL This code depends on a public MYSQL database created in the Google Cloud Platform. The project is reproducible as long the the database and connection are running. The code establishes the connection, creates the table and the joins to output a data frame of the results. R Environment Prep Load the packages and libraries n...
1842 sym R (5546 sym/18 pcs) 1 img
Data 607 Assignment 3
Using the 173 majors listed in’s College Majors dataset, provide code that identifies the majors that contain either “DATA” or “STATISTICS” # Load the libraries library(RCurl) library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ───�...
2722 sym R (2312 sym/6 pcs)
Data 607 Project 1
Load the library & Import the CSV Dplyer will be used to transform the csv file. The file is imported using the ‘|’ separator to clean up the file upon import. This creates a pseudo-tabular dataframe. library (dplyr) #Import the CSV sourcecsv <- read.table("
3009 sym Python (8464 sym/10 pcs) 7 tbl
Setup the enviroment and importing the CSV The untidy CSV data is imported from the Github Repo. To make transformations easier downstream, empty strings were converted to NA values. #Load the libraries library (dplyr) library(tidyr) #Import the CSV mydata <- read.csv("
2126 sym R (1478 sym/6 pcs) 6 tbl
Johnny Rodriguez Data 607 Project 2
Prepare Environment Loads the libraries library (dplyr) library(tidyr) library(lubridate) library(stringr) library (ggplot2) NY Times Bestsellers for Manga Books This data looks at Manga books from the New York Times Best Seller list from 2010-2017. The data is transformed through a series of step for further analysis. # Imports the CSV of all b...
967 sym R (6651 sym/12 pcs) 3 img 4 tbl
Data 607 Project 3
Note: To open hyperlinks below, please right click and open in a new browser tab. PART 1 - Project 1 Description Create a short document, with the names of group members. You should briefly describe your collaboration tool(s) you’ll use as a group, including for communication, code sharing, and project documentation. You should have identified...
2037 sym R (143 sym/1 pcs)
Introduction Three separate XML, JSON, and HTML files where created and uploaded to githubs. Each file was read into R and converted into a dataframe. XMl File to Data Frame Conversion The source xml file is located at: This conversion used the RCurl and XML pa...
2284 sym R (4761 sym/15 pcs) 3 tbl
Data 607 Project 3
PART 1 - Project Description Create a short document, with the names of group members. You should briefly describe your collaboration tool(s) you’ll use as a group, including for communication, code sharing, and project documentation. You should have identified your data sources, where the data can be found, and how to load it. And you should h...
7037 sym Python (26609 sym/35 pcs) 8 img
###Introduction - New York Times API For this assignment, I enabled the Books, Movies and top stories NYT API to explore data. To prepare for this, I created an account and generated an authorization key to be able to request data from NYT servers. Loading Libraries The library to read and load the NYT API data, in JSON format, is jsonlite. Once...
1146 sym 3 tbl
Data 606 Project
Data Preparation & Description The dataset consists of IT support tickets for a small liberal arts college in NYC. The IT support tickets encompass technical, computer, software and access issues for students, faculty and staff for the full year 2021 through Nov 4, 2021. This covers one full academic year Aug 2021 - June 2022 (fall and spring). C...
2004 sym 1 img