Publications by john mazon
DATA 608 MOD5.1
Data 608 Module 5 Assignment John MazonOctober 31, 2021 1. Create a function to reverse any word that you type in. This can be typed into either an input box or an alert box, and then print the result in a box or on the webpage 2. Create a function that takes an input number, and prints a table with the first 20 multiples of the number, in order...
368 sym
if (!require("ggplot2",character.only = TRUE)) (install.packages("ggplot2",dep=TRUE)) ## Loading required package: ggplot2 if (!require("MASS",character.only = TRUE)) (install.packages("MASS",dep=TRUE)) ## Loading required package: MASS if (!require("knitr",character.only = TRUE)) (install.packages("knitr",dep=TRUE)) ## Loading required package: ...
7217 sym R (16601 sym/74 pcs) 3 img
Module 3 - SHINY APP
Introduction As a researcher, you frequently compare mortality rates from particular causes across different States. You need a visualization that will let you see (for 2010 only) the crude mortality rate, across all States, from one cause (for example, Neoplasms, which are effectively cancers). Create a visualization that allows you to rank Stat...
1337 sym R (6919 sym/11 pcs)
DATA 621 – Business Analytics and Data Mining Overview Homework #3 Assignment Requirements In this homework assignment, you will explore, analyze and model a data set containing information on crime for various neighborhoods of a major city. Each record has a response variable indicating whether or not the crime rate is above the median crime...
1125 sym R (23337 sym/108 pcs) 39 img
--- title: "Homework #3 Binary logistic regression models " author: "Douglas Barley, Ethan Haley, Isabel Magnus, John Mazon, Vinayak Kamath, Arushi Arora" date: "11/1/2021" output: html_document: toc: true toc-title: "Homework #3 - Binary logistic regression models" toc_depth: 2 toc_float: collapsed: false ...
5913 sym
OVERVIEW In this homework assignment, you will explore, analyze and model a data set containing information on approximately 12,000 commercially available wines. The variables are mostly related to the chemical properties of the wine being sold. The response variable is the number of sample cases of wine that were purchased by wine distribution c...
4063 sym R (25157 sym/33 pcs) 9 img 1 tbl
OVERVIEW In this homework assignment, you will explore, analyze and model a data set containing information on approximately 12,000 commercially available wines. The variables are mostly related to the chemical properties of the wine being sold. The response variable is the number of sample cases of wine that were purchased by wine distribution c...
8177 sym R (25147 sym/33 pcs) 9 img 1 tbl
Project 1 Description This project consisx of 3 parx - two required and one bonus and is worth 15% of your grade. The project is due at 11:59 PM on Sunday Apr 11. I will accept late submissions with a penalty until the meetup after that when we review some projecx. Part A – ATM Forecast, ATM624Data.xlsx In part A, I want you to forecast how mu...
4369 sym R (25039 sym/132 pcs) 43 img
DECISION TREE CLASSIFICATION PROBLEM Based on the the topics presented, bring a dataset of your choice and create a Decision tree where you can solve a classification or regression problem and predict the outcome of a particular feature or detail of the data used. Switch variables to generate 2 decision trees and compare the results. Create a ran...
5973 sym R (16400 sym/50 pcs) 4 img
Week 8 ARIMA |21-Mar 27-Mar
Week 8 ARIMA |21-Mar 27-Mar Do the exercises 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8 in Hyndman. Please submit both the Rpubs link as well as your .rmd file. Figure 9.32 shows the ACFs for 36 random numbers, 360 random numbers and 1,000 random numbers. A. Explain the differences among these figures. Do they all indicate that the data are white noise?...
6214 sym R (6541 sym/65 pcs) 33 img