Publications by John Mount
What is “Tidy Data”?
I would like to write a bit on the meaning and history of the phrase “tidy data.” Hadley Wickham has been promoting the term “tidy data.” For example in an eponymous paper, he wrote: In tidy data: Each variable forms a column. Each observation forms a row. Each type of observational unit forms a table. Wickham, Hadley “Tidy Data”...
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Timing Working With a Row or a Column from a data.frame
In this note we share a quick study timing how long it takes to perform some simple data manipulation tasks with R data.frames. We are interested in the time needed to select a column, alter a column, or select a row. Knowing what is fast and what is slow is critical in planning code, so here we examine some common simple cases. It is often impr...
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Free Video Lecture: Vectors for Programmers and Data Scientists
We have just released two new free video lectures on vectors from a programmer’s point of view. I am experimenting with what ideas do programmers find interesting about vectors, what concepts do they consider safe starting points, and how to condense and present the material. Please check the lectures out. Vectors for Programmers and Data Sci...
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Practical Data Science with R, half off sale!
Our publisher, Manning, is running a Memorial Day sale this weekend (May 24-27, 2019), with a new offer every day. Fri: Half off all eBooks Sat: Half off all MEAPs Sun: Half off all pBooks and liveVideos Mon: Half off everything The discount code is: wm052419au. Many great opportunities to get Practical Data Science with R 2nd Edition at a...
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Technical books are amazing opportunities
Nina and I have been sending out drafts of our book Practical Data Science with R 2nd Edition for technical review. A few of the reviews came back from reviewers that described themselves with variations of: Senior Business Analyst for COMPANYNAME. I have been involved in presenting graphs of data for many years. To us this reads as somebody w...
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Estimating Rates using Probability Theory: Chalk Talk
We are sharing a chalk talk rehearsal on applied probability. We use basic notions of probability theory to work through the estimation of sample size needed to reliably estimate event rates. This expands basic calculations, and then moves to the ideas of: Sample size and power for rare events. Please check it out here. Related To leave a com...
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data.table is Much Better Than You Have Been Told
There is interest in converting relational query languages (that work both over SQL databases and on local data) into data.table commands, to take advantage of data.table‘s superior performance. Obviously if one wants to use data.table it is best to learn data.table. But if we want code that can run multiple places a translation layer may be ...
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My Favorite data.table Feature
My favorite R data.table feature is the “by” grouping notation when combined with the := notation. Let’s take a look at this powerful notation. First, let’s build an example data.frame. d <- wrapr::build_frame( "group" , "value" | "a" , 1L | "a" , 2L | "b" , 3L | "b" , 4L ) knitr::...
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Replicating a Linear Model
For a few of my commercial projects I have been in the seemingly strange place being asked to port a linear model from one data science system to another. Now I try to emphasize that it is better going forward to port procedures and build new models with training data. But sometimes that is not possible. Solving this problem for linear and logist...
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Programming Over lm() in R
Here is simple modeling problem in R. We want to fit a linear model where the names of the data columns carrying the outcome to predict (y), the explanatory variables (x1, x2), and per-example row weights (wt) are given to us as strings. Lets start with our example data and parameters. The point is: we are assuming the data and parameters come t...
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