Publications by Johannes B. Gruber on Johannes B. Gruber
So many new people on Bluesky! Who should I follow?
If there is one development at the moment which I full heartedly enjoy reading about it’s that the remains of what was once called Twitter is seeing a large E𝕏odus. Since a certain billionaire has taken over that platform, it has continuously become worse and I was hoping that politcians, media outlets and my fellow social scientists would com...
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Poor Dude’s Janky Bluesky Feed Reader CLI Via atrrr
Have you ever wanted to see your favourite social media posts in your command line? No? Me neither, but at least hrbrmstr has a few months ago. Or to be honest, I don’t know which social media site he prefers, but Bluesky is currently my favourite. With the ease of use and algorithmic curation that I loved about Twitter before its demise and the ...
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CRAN Download counts
I really like developing software and making my own life and work easier with it. But what I enjoy even more is to see others actually use it! So every now and then I look at CRAN download counts of my R packages. I’m not in any top-10 rankings or anything. But that was also never the point. I just like sharing my knowledge and see others use it!...
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Introducing `askgpt`: a chat interface that helps you to learn R!
Everyone is talking about AI at the moment. So when I talked to my collogues Mariken and Kasper the other day about how to make teaching R more engaging and how to help students overcome their problems, it is no big surprise that the conversation eventually found it’s way to the large language model GPT-3.5 by OpenAI and the chat interface ChatGP...
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Highly Similar Texts
A while ago I was building a database of newspaper articles retrieved from LexisNexis for a research project in which I was working as a research assistant. At some point we noticed that we seemed to have a lot of duplicates in our database. I had already removed the duplicates with R so we were really surprised that those are still in there. How...
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Highly Similar Texts
Available solutions: the accurate one Available solutions: the fast one Divide and conquer Implementation in LexisNexisTools A while ago I was building a database of newspaper articles retrieved from LexisNexis for a research project in which I was working as a research assistant. At some point we noticed that we seemed to have a lot of duplicat...
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LexisNexisTools. My first `R` package
My PhD supervisor once told me that everyone doing newspaper analysis starts by writing code to read in files from the ‘LexisNexis’ newspaper archive. However, while I do recommend this exercise, not everyone has the time. These are the first words of the introduction to my first R package, LexisNexisTools. My PhD supervisor was also my super...
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LexisNexisTools. My first `R` package
My PhD supervisor once told me that everyone doing newspaper analysis starts by writing code to read in files from the ‘LexisNexis’ newspaper archive. However, while I do recommend this exercise, not everyone has the time. These are the first words of the introduction to my first R package, LexisNexisTools. My PhD supervisor was also my super...
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(Mis)using Discourse Network Analyzer for manual coding
For my PhD project, I want to use Supervised Machine Learning (SML) to replicate my manual coding efforts onto a larger data set. That means, however, that I need to put in some manual coding effort before the SML algorithms can do their magic! I used a number of programs already to analyse texts by hand, and they all come with their up- and down...
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(Mis)using Discourse Network Analyzer for manual coding
For my PhD project, I want to use Supervised Machine Learning (SML) to replicate my manual coding efforts onto a larger data set. That means, however, that I need to put in some manual coding effort before the SML algorithms can do their magic! I used a number of programs already to analyse texts by hand, and they all come with their up- and down...
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