Publications by Joe Long

2020 Import & Export Trade _ California


Exports of Goods for United States (EXPTOTUS) date value 2020-06-01 105043 2020-07-01 112664 2020-08-01 118069 2020-09-01 121477 2020-10-01 132511 2020-11-01 126966 Imports of Goods for United States (IMPTOTUS) date value 2020-06-01 105043 2020-07-01 112664 2020-08-01 118069 2020-09-01 121477 2020...

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Median Household Income in Georgia State 2018


## Getting data from the 2014-2018 5-year ACS ## Getting data from the 2014-2018 5-year ACS 20018 Median Household Income in Georgia State NAME income Forsyth County, Georgia 101743 Oconee County, Georgia 88308 Fayette County, Georgia 87272 Cherokee County, Georgia 79670 Columbia County, Georgia 76938 Cobb County, Geor...

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Interest rates


What is an interest rate? The interest rate is the amount a lender charges for the use of assets expressed as a percentage of the principal. The interest rate is typically noted on an annual basis known as the annual percentage rate (APR). *************************** 30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Average in the United States (MORTGAGE30US) Fina...

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2020 Unemployment Indicators


Initial Claims (ICNSA) Continued Claims (Insured Unemployment) (CCNSA) National Unemployment Rate (UNRATE) Labor Force Participation Rate (LNU01300000) Labor Force Participation Rate (LNU01300000) Labor Force Participation Rate - Women (LNU01300002) Labor Force Participation Rate - Men (LNU01300001) All Employees, Leisure and Hospitality (...

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2020 Employment in Riverside_San Bernardino_Ontario MSA, CA


Employment in Metropolitan area : Riverside_San Bernardino_Ontario area Job Postings Indexed Trend on Indeed in Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA (MSA) (IHLCHG40140) date value 2020-11-30 9.2 2020-12-01 9.1 2020-12-02 9.0 2020-12-03 8.8 2020-12-04 8.7 2020-12-05 8.8 2020-12-06 8.6 2020-12-07 8.5 2020-12-08...

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U.S. 2020 Monthly Automobile Retail Sales


Retail Sales: Retail (Excluding Food Services) (MRTSMPCSM44000USN) symbol <-fredr_series_observations(series_id = "MRTSMPCSM44000USN", observation_start = as.Date("2000-01-01")) indicator <[,c(1,3)] tail(indicator,n=12) %>% kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed")) %>% ...

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Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS) 2014


1. Research Topic : Overall health condition of seniors above 65 years old Selecting only one survey, 36692-0007-Data Survey was conducted in 2014 Selecting seniors = > 65 years old 2. age distribution Segregated by gender Segregated by living arrangement Segregated by quality of life Segregated by health condition ## ## (1) male (2) fema...

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Unemployment Indicators during 2020 Pandemic COVID19


Initial Claims (ICNSA) usa_claims <- "ICNSA" %>% tq_get(get = "", from = "2019-01-01") %>% rename(claims = price) usa_claims %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = claims)) + geom_rect(aes(xmin= dmy('01-01-2020'), xmax=dmy('15-12-2020'), ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf), fill = "white", alpha...

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Domestic Violence Incidents in National City


# 1.1 Problem Statement According to a report by the San Diego Association of Governments, also known as SANDAG, revealed that the San Diego region saw a 3 percent increase in domestic violence in the first half of 2020 over the same period last year. SANDAG’s data shows m...

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Employment During COVID19 Pandemic in Riverside_San Bernardino_Ontario MSA, CA


Employment in Metropolitan area : Riverside_San Bernardino_Ontario area All Employees: Retail Trade in Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA (MSA) (SMU06401404200000001) date value 2019-01-01 182.9 2019-02-01 179.8 2019-03-01 178.5 2019-04-01 178.4 2019-05-01 179.0 2019-06-01 178.2 2019-07-01 179.4 2019-08-01 17...

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