Publications by James Hardaway
ECI 589 - Unit 4 Walkthrough: Birds of a Feather Lead Together
1. PREPARE For the Unit 4 Case Study: Birds of Feather Lead Together, we once again visit the work of Alan Daly and colleagues as we attempt to replicate some of the analyses described in Chapter 9: Network Data and Statistical Models from Social Network Analysis and Education (Carolan 2014). In this case study move beyond the visual and mathemat...
43099 sym R (32784 sym/62 pcs) 14 img 3 tbl
MOOC-Eds: Comparing Out-degree Communications by Role
1. PREPARE 1a. Data Sources The data for this analysis was generated in the MOOC-Ed study we were introduced to during our case study last week: A Social Network Perspective in MOOC-Eds Kellogg, S., Booth, S., & Oliver, K. (2014). A social network perspective on peer supported learning in MOOCs for educators. International Review of Research ...
12774 sym R (15431 sym/35 pcs) 6 img 5 tbl
ECI 588 Unit 3 Independent Analysis: Topic Modeling in Book Reviews
0. INTRODUCTION Malcolm Gladwell first popped onto my radar with his book Blink in the early 2000s as I was studying military strategy and problem solving at an Army school on Kansas. The book fit nicely into the curriculum as it explores how we think about thinking. Gut instincts versus deep planning, how our brains work, and why some decisions ...
61318 sym R (8440 sym/35 pcs) 8 img 4 tbl
ECI 589 - Unit 3 Walkthrough: Components, Cliques, & Key Actors
1. PREPARE The primary goal in this case study is to examine the use of different algorithms to analyze a network’s groups and individual actors. Using an open educational dataset prepared by Kellogg and Edelman Kellogg and Edelmann (2015), we’ll explore both “top-down” and “bottom-up” approaches to identifying groups within our netwo...
47139 sym R (20882 sym/50 pcs) 8 img 5 tbl
ECI 588 - Unit 3 Walkthrough: Topic Modeling in MOOC-Eds
0. INTRODUCTION The Unit 3 walkthrough extends previous research and evaluation work at the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at North Carolina State University. In addition to many other areas of inquiry, this work was aimed at understanding and improving peer interaction and discussion in the Friday Institute’s Massively Open Online...
116104 sym R (35512 sym/57 pcs) 9 img 1 tbl
ECI 588 - Unit 4 Walkthrough: Bigrams & Word Network
0. INTRODUCTION In the Unit 4 walkthrough, we will replicate a simpler version of the following paper: Not the same: a text network analysis on computational thinking definitions to study its relationship with computer programming. This paper reviews definitions for computational thinking in the literature. You might have noticed that in our fiel...
22729 sym R (4348 sym/17 pcs) 4 img
School Leaders: Collaboration Dependency on Trust and Gender
1. PREPARE 1a. Data Sources The data for this analysis is Daly’s Network of School District Leaders. Specifically, I’m using two data sets describing the school leaders and their collaboration: The adjacency matrix reports on “collaboration” ties among 43 school leaders in year 3 of a three-year study. This is a directed valued (weighte...
12470 sym R (7538 sym/36 pcs) 9 img 10 tbl
Short Text Topic Modeling: Article Titles and Taglines
0. INTRODUCTION With the rapid increase in digitization over the past 20 years, the field of text mining has quickly moved to the forefront of data science as a method for better understanding patterns and trends in society. Text mining is often the first step in developing intricate methods for more advanced processes such as social network anal...
70927 sym R (10110 sym/28 pcs) 15 img 1 tbl
Unit 5 Case Study: Network Exposure & Influence
1. PREPARE Our brief case study for Unit 5 is adapted from an exercise on network influence included in the appendix of Data Science in Education Using R. In this case study we explore the process of network influence, which is the flip side of the network selection processes we examined in our previous case study. Both of these processes are ...
2515 sym R (191 sym/1 pcs)
Topic Modeling in Shortform Text: Article Titles & Taglines
0. INTRODUCTION I’ve used the website Towards Data Science often to augment my studies on learning analytics and am curious as to what text mining can reveal about the changes in research focus over the last 4 years. My initial research questions include the following: Can article metadata be used to identify trends in data science research to...
24648 sym R (6693 sym/25 pcs) 5 img