Publications by Joe Connolly
SPS R quiz 1
R Markdown 1. Create a vector with 20 numbers. Include duplicates numb_vect <- c(1:4, 4:10, 9:14, 1:3) numb_vect print(length(numb_vect)) 2. Convert the vector above into a character vector char_vect <- as.character(numb_vect) char_vect 3. Convert the first vector into a vector of factors num_factr <- as.factor(numb_vect) num_factr 4. Show ho...
3020 sym
R July2020
‘Please create the following exercises in .rmd format, publish to rpub and submit both the .rmd file and the rpub link. 1. Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial 2. Show how to create a numeric vector that contains the sequence from 20 to 50 by 5. 3. Create the function “quadratic” that takes a trio of input numbers a, b, and c and solve...
738 sym
CO2Hawaii <- read.csv("", TRUE, ",") mean(CO2Hawaii$CO2) ## [1] 375.9086 median(CO2Hawaii$CO2) ## [1] 374.315 mean(CO2Hawaii$Year) ## [1] 2002.5 median(CO2Hawaii$Year) ## [1] 2002.5 df <- CO2Hawaii[c(1:100), c(1,3)] print(df) ## X Month ## 1 1 1 ## 2 2 ...
5 sym R (315823 sym/31 pcs)
# 1) Data Exploration: This should include summary statistics, means, medians, quartiles, or any # other relevant information about the data set. library(readxl) quakes <- read_excel("C:/Users/jmcon/Downloads/quakes.xlsx") ## New names: ## * `` -> ...1 View(quakes) summary(quakes$mag) ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ##...
10 sym R (6132 sym/39 pcs) 4 img
MSDS July 2020 homework 1
'Please create the following exercises in .rmd format, publish to rpub and submit both the .rmd file and the rpub link. 1. Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial 2. Show how to create a numeric vector that contains the sequence from 20 to 50 by 5. 3. Create the function "quadratic" that takes a trio of input numbers a, b, and c and solve t...
5 sym R (1362 sym/9 pcs)
library(readxl) CO2Hawaii <- read_excel("CO2Hawaii.xlsx") View(CO2Hawaii) mean(CO2Hawaii$CO2) ## [1] 375.9086 median(CO2Hawaii$CO2) ## [1] 374.315 mean(CO2Hawaii$Year) ## [1] 2002.5 median(CO2Hawaii$Year) ## [1] 2002.5 df <- CO2Hawaii[c(1:100), c(1,3)] print(df) ## # A tibble: 100 x 2 ## Year CO2 ## <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1988 350....
5 sym R (3492 sym/29 pcs)