Publications by Jade Gurtala
Learning Log 5
This week's coding goals Find easier and better ways to format our data into a table, so that it looks more similar to what is seen our replication study Find out how to round up our figures into 2 decimal places, as is seen in our replication study Continue reproducing the next tables and values I didn't have a specific goal with this - I want...
9390 sym R (27051 sym/125 pcs) 3 img 9 tbl
Learning Log 6
This week's coding goals Reproduce Figure 4 statistics and graph Install github onto RStudio Our group managed to finish all three figures, which are linked here: Figure 4, Figure 5, and Figure 3 in Julia's learning log. I wanted to try and reproduce Figure 4 on my own, to see how far I've gone in my coding skills. How did I go? / Challenges a...
8184 sym R (5092 sym/37 pcs) 3 img
Learning Log 8
This week's coding goals This week, my goal was to start thinking of questions for my exploratory analyses and code the descriptive statistics, figure and statistics for at least one question. The Questions I brainstormed a couple of questions, like: Is there an effect of gender on changes in implicit biases? Or an alternate question: Are male...
8516 sym R (39061 sym/95 pcs) 3 img 4 tbl
we are learning about read_sav haven::read_sav Jade, Sasha, Torunn 05/08/2021 tell us write a little paragraph about the package that the function is from, what it does, and how it might be useful to other psychology students read_sav is from the haven package. It lets users read SPSS data files (in the .sav data format) into RStudio. show us...
1708 sym R (102 sym/2 pcs)
Verification Report
Part 1: Summary & Reaction Summary Humiston and Wamsley (2019) aims to replicate Hu, Antony, Creery, Vargas, Bodenhausen and Paller's 2015 study. Hu and colleauges found that implicit racial and gender biases could be reduced or even unlearned during sleep by using a procedure called targeted memory reactivation (TMR). This procedure aims to boo...
62366 sym R (49958 sym/149 pcs) 22 img 16 tbl
Learning Log 10
My thoughts on this experience ... The value of group work I've never enjoyed group work but this term has definitely changed my perspective! Don’t get me wrong, group work will never be preferable but I do realise that there is great value in working in a good group. Thanks so much to Group 3: Julia, Michelle and Katherine for a great term! ...
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