Publications by Jordan Glendrange

Data607 Homework2


Database creation and Insertion of Data I decided to create a postgres instance on my computer to store the movie survey data. This is the SQL database I am the most familiar with, so I chose it over MySQL. The method I used to create the table and insert data was through SQL code. No csv was used during this process. Below is the code used to in...

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Data 606 Lab 6


library(tidyverse) library(openintro) library(infer) Exercise 1 The largest group in this category is 0 and ‘did not drive’. yrbss %>% count(text_while_driving_30d) ## # A tibble: 9 x 2 ## text_while_driving_30d n ## * <chr> <int> ## 1 0 4792 ## 2 1-2 925 ## 3 10-19 ...

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Data 606 Project 2


Dataset 1 The first dataset is a list of countries and their populations in past, present, and future (projected) years. worldPopulation <- read.csv('') head(worldPopulation) ## cca2 name pop2021 pop2020 pop2050 pop2030 pop2019 ## 1 CN ...

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Data 607 Homework 4


Read Data The table is stored in a csv on my github accounts. Using “read_csv” to read data into a dataframe. Narrow Dataset It will be difficult to extract the flight counts when their stored in different columns. Here I use the gather function to narrow the data set and store all of the flight counts in one column. library(tidyr) library(d...

926 sym R (1604 sym/12 pcs)

Lab 4 Data 606


library(tidyverse) library(openintro) Exercise 1 Observing the two distributions we can see the both center in the 150-200 calorie range. In terms of shape Mcdonalds looks more right-skewed and Dairy Queen has more of a symmetric shape (slightly right-skewed). The tail of Mcdonalds extends further than Dairyqueen, which tells me the spread is la...

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Data 606 Lab5b


library(tidyverse) library(openintro) library(infer) Exercise 1 set.seed(10000) us_adults <- tibble( climate_change_affects = c(rep("Yes", 62000), rep("No", 38000)) ) ggplot(us_adults, aes(x = climate_change_affects)) + geom_bar() + labs( x = "", y = "", title = "Do you think climate change is affecting your local community?" )...

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Data 606 Lab5a


library(tidyverse) library(openintro) library(infer) Exercise 1 global_monitor <- tibble( scientist_work = c(rep("Benefits", 80000), rep("Doesn't benefit", 20000)) ) ggplot(global_monitor, aes(x = scientist_work)) + geom_bar() + labs( x = "", y = "", title = "Do you believe that the work scientists do benefit people like you?" )...

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Data 606 Lab 7


library(tidyverse) library(openintro) library(infer) Exercise 1 Based on the explanation of the data set each case represents a high schooler between grade 9 and 12. There are 13,583 cases in the dataset. data('yrbss', package='openintro') glimpse(yrbss) ## Rows: 13,583 ## Columns: 13 ## $ age <int> 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, ...

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Data 607 Project 3


Fulltime Job Listings in LA The first 2 data sets we decided to work with are filltime job listing scraped from job sites. We decided to use LA and NY. The job description column is what we are interested in. After reading the data into a dataframe we clean it up by removing any html and new line characters. jobDescriptions <- read.csv('https://r...

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Homework Week 9


Request API After creating my dev account with the New York Times website I created an app with an api key. I made an API request using the GET function from the HTTR library. Printing the response gives us a status code of 200 which means it was successful. r <- GET("

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