Publications by Janet Rosenbaum

Biostatistics 5201: Session 6 - Faraway chapter 6


library(faraway) library(mosaic) Semiconductor quality These data are from a study of semiconductor quality at a factory. The data evaluate whether the wafer is good or bad, and whether there were particles on the die that made it. y <- c(320,14,80,36) particle <- gl(2,1,4,labels=c("no","yes")) quality <- gl(2,2,labels=c("good","bad")) (wafer <-...

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Biostatistics 5201: Session 4 - Faraway chapter 4


Load the libraries at the start of every session. library(faraway) library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) library(MASS) library(survival) ## ## Attaching package: 'survival' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:faraway': ## ## rats, solder Latent variables Latent variables are theoretical quantities (e.g., ``quantitative ability’�...

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Biostatistics 5201: Session 8 - Faraway chapter 8


Load libraries: library(faraway) library(robust) library(robustbase) library(sandwich) library(mosaic) Bugs data View(bliss) ?bliss modl <- glm(cbind(dead, alive) ~ conc, family=binomial, data=bliss) summary(modl) ## ## Call: ## glm(formula = cbind(dead, alive) ~ conc, family = binomial, data = bliss) ## ## Deviance Residuals: ## 1 ...

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Biostatistics 5201: Homework 1 solution


library(faraway) library(MASS) library(splines) library(dplyr) library(brglm) library(ggplot2) library(arm) library(mosaic) Problems from Faraway 2 Faraway Chapter 2, 1 Before doing the problem, look at the help page for the dataset ?wbca The dataset wbca comes from a study of breast cancer in Wisconsin. There are 681 cases of potentially c...

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Epi 5201/7201 Data management - YRBS 2019


The purpose of this session The goal of this session is to 1. Demonstrate how to load YRBS data 2. Show some examples of how to code variables from YRBS. For the first project assignment you will only need to code 2 variables: an exposure and an outcome. 3. Give many additional examples that may be useful for the project. Your goal right now shou...

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Biostatistics 5201: Session 11 - Faraway chapter 16


Faraway, Chapter 16 library(faraway) library(rpart) library(mosaic) library(rpart.plot) library(randomForest) library(MASS) Ozone data View(ozone) ?ozone histogram(~O3, data=ozone) xyplot(O3 ~ temp, data=ozone) pairs(with(ozone, data.frame(O3, temp, ibh, ibt))) (tmod <- rpart(O3 ~ .,ozone)) ## n= 330 ## ## node), split, n, deviance, yval ##...

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Epi 5201/7201 Data management - continuous variables - HELPrct


The session 3 Rmarkdown file showed how to manage YRBS data, which is nearly all categorical. We still haven’t talked much about quantitative/continuous/numeric variables. To demonstrate continuous/numeric variables, we’ll use the HELPrct dataset. Load the library — use the message=F in order to suppress the messages that fill up our HTML f...

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Load libraries library(mosaic) library(readstata13) library(arm) library(survey) Set working directory and load the data. setwd("~/Dropbox/Epidemiology5201-Summer2021/datasets/yrbs2019") yrbs=read.dta13("yrbs2019.dta") Set survey design yrbsdes = svydesign(id=~psu, weight=~weight, strata=~stratum, data=yrbs, nest=TRUE) Define all the variab...

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Mortality delay draft model


Define variables Libraries library(plm) library(car) library(lmtest) library(mosaic) library(taRifx) library(lme4) library(tidyr) library(faraway) library(pbkrtest) library(gee) library(performance) library(robustlmm) library(ggsci) library(scales) library(nlme) library(rstanarm) library(bayesplot) theme_set(bayesplot::theme_default()) Variable...

6643 sym R (19783 sym/25 pcs)

Epi 5201/7201 Project skill: Making regression table


The purpose of this Rmarkdown file In this file, we’ll perform and interpret a regression and format it in a table that can be included in your papers. Define variables Before we can make a table, we need variables. These are all from prior project files, so I’ve taken out the extra tally commands. Load libraries, including libraries for tab...

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