Publications by Jenni Putz
R Basics Objects Everything in R is an object and every object has a name. We use functions on the objects. An object is an assignment between a name and a value. x <- 5 y = 10 Notice that this saves in the global environment. Now we can use these objects to do other things. To print the object, just type the name of the object and run the line ...
6158 sym R (5607 sym/81 pcs)
Getting Started library(pacman) p_load(tidyverse) The first thing we need to do is to read the csv file into R. We can use the read_csv() function to read in the file. Make sure to put your own file path in the quotation marks. And remember to name your data frame! job_df <- read_csv("/Users/jenniputz/Downloads/001-data.csv") head(job_df) ## # A ...
2249 sym R (3725 sym/26 pcs)
Motivating IV Intuition Suppose you estimate a regression of income on years of schooling: \[income_i = \beta_0+\beta_1*schooling_i+u_i\] One assumption we make for OLS to be BLUE is exogeneity, or in other words: \(E[u|schooling] = 0\). Does this seem reasonable in this case? Probably not. It is almost certain that schooling and income are both...
6384 sym R (5139 sym/12 pcs)
Setup library(pacman) p_load(tidyverse, lmtest) ## also installing the dependency 'zoo' ## ## The downloaded binary packages are in ## /var/folders/30/xcfr30vj55q2bbs6dlm27fqw0000gn/T//Rtmp4AaN4l/downloaded_packages ## ## lmtest installed df <- read_csv("/Users/jenniputz/Downloads/004-data.csv") ## Parsed with column specification: ## cols( ##...
601 sym R (4541 sym/18 pcs)
Setup library(pacman) p_load(tidyverse, stargazer, broom) wages <- read_csv("wages.csv") Let’s look at the data frame: head(wages,10) ## # A tibble: 10 x 34 ## id nearc2 nearc4 educ age fatheduc motheduc weight momdad14 sinmom14 ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 3 0 0 ...
3464 sym R (10251 sym/30 pcs)
EC320 Lab2
Setup library(pacman) p_load(tidyverse, broom, stargazer, AER) Data For this lab, we will use data from the AER package on California schools. To get this data and use it we can: data("CASchools") # look at a snapshot head(CASchools, 10) ## district school county grades students ## 1 75119 Suno...
2825 sym R (9499 sym/30 pcs) 2 img
Lecture Slides
class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Introduction to Causal Identification ### Jenni Putz ### 28 January 2022 --- class: inverse, middle # Causality --- name: intro # Intro Most tasks in econometrics boil down to one of two goals: $$ `\begin{align} y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + \cdots + \beta_k x_k + u \end{align}` ...
7968 sym