Publications by Jen Richmond
Verification Report: Social facilitation in roaches
Part 1: Summary & Reaction Summary Social psychologists have long studied how the presence of other people can sometimes facilitate our performance and other times be detrimental. In his now famous drive theory, Zajonc (1965) argued that task complexity moderates the direction of the social facilitation/inhibition effect. When executing a simple...
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tidy text
Goals This week I needed to work out a fast way of marking question responses that my 2nd year class are submitting. To get credit for completing a task they need to answer 2 questions about it and write 100 words for each response. Unlike word, excel doesnt really have a word count function, so my goal this week was to work out whether the tidyt...
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This post is an example of the kind of log that you should post to RPubs each week. The learning log is an opportunity to reflect on what you have learned each week and to think about what the next steps in your coding journey are. It should answer the following questions… What were your coding goals this week? How did you go achieving your go...
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how to make a pivot sandwich (and a reprex)
how to get help This week I have been thinking a lot about how to ask for help with R code in a way that makes it easy for people to help you. It is tempting to take a screenshot or make a video of your code not working and share it with people who know more than you do. But without being able to run your code, or to reproduce the environment you...
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It is school holidays and I have mostly been taking kids to swim lessons and the beach this week 😄. But I thought it might be useful to show you a interactive visualisation tool called plotly() that Kate and I discovered last week. One of the great things about R is that you can visualise individual trials and/or participants, but when you do ...
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W8LL pwr Jen Richmond 11/04/2021 This week I havent had much time for R stuff either, but my honours students have been writing preregistration documents and doing power analyses. Usually I point students toward the gpower calculator but for some reason my student couldn’t make it work so we ended up trying out the pwr package and it is awesom...
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W7LL patchwork
I started learning R because I needed to do a particular kind of statistics that wasn’t easy in SPSS. I had no idea that it would completely change the way I clean and visualise data, and I definitely had no idea it would make many of the admin jobs that I have to do repeatedly SO MUCH EASIER. This week I have been pulling myExperience data tog...
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raincloud plots
I saw this tweet this morning and was reminded of how cool raincloud plots are. With all the rain we have had in the last little bit, I thought it would be fun to try making a penguin raincloud plot. That moment when you review a journal submission and you see dynamite plots: rage and joy at the same time! #dataviz #datavisualization #barbarplot...
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Date Night slides
class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Date Night ## using lubridate to work with dates in R ### Jen Richmond ### 2021-03-26 --- # Useful links Code along...[]( Slides...[](
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coding_tut2021 Jen Richmond 27/02/2021 set up load packages library(googlesheets4) library(janitor) library(tidyverse) library(patchwork) library(ggeasy) library(jmv) read data from google sheets group1 <- read_sheet("") group2 <- read_sheet...
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