Publications by jebyrnes

Cascoak Gone Metal



3 sym

Casco 2022 Seagrass



3 sym

Maps for EnvSci 121


Map of Kelp Abundances Load Libraries library(googlesheets4) #handles data library(dplyr) #for data manipulation library(sf) #geospatial processing library(measurements) #to make lat/long into decimal degrees library(leaflet) #pretty scrollable Maps library(leaflet.extras) Load the Data # Load in the data and turn degree/minute/second into latl...

193 sym Python (3704 sym/8 pcs)

Biplots of Relationship Between Cover Types


Relationships of Different Covers Load Libraries library(googlesheets4) #handles data library(dplyr) #for data manipulation library(ggplot2) # for plotting theme_set(theme_classic(base_size = 18)) Load Data # Load in the data and turn degree/minute/second into latlong kelp_labels <- read_sheet("

265 sym 3 img

Baby Got Stats!


I was completely tickled last year with the oh so amusing Statz Rappers. It kept me and my nerdy stats friends laughing for days. Rapping. Stats. The Internet. Good times. But little did I know that rapping about statistics was really just hitting its stride on youtube. This is Why We Plot began my trip down the rabbit hole. Quite a nice ef...

1262 sym

Sometimes, you just need to use a plyr


I haven’t posted anything about R-nerdery in quite some time. But I have to pause for a moment, and sing the praises of a relatively new package that has made my life exponentially easier. The plyr package. R has the capability to apply a single function to a vector or list using apply or mapply, or their various derivatives. This returns ...

2317 sym R (1912 sym/2 pcs) 2 img 1 tbl

Simple Data Visualization


OK, so, I know I already raved about one Hadley Wickham project and how it has changed my life last week. But what can I say, the man is a genius. And if you are using R (and let’s face it, you should be) and you want simple sexy graphs made quick, the man has you covered once again. I first learned about ggplot2 while scanning through some s...

2189 sym R (676 sym/1 pcs) 4 img

Let’s All Go Down to the Barplot!


I’m back for another pean to ANOVA-loving experimental ecology. Barplots (or point-range plots – but which is better is a discussion for a different time) are the thing! And a friend of mine was recently asking me how to do a decent barplot with ggplot2 for data of moderate complexity (e.g., a 2-way ANOVA). So I tried it. And then I hit my ...

3263 sym R (804 sym/3 pcs) 4 img

Web-Based Multilevel Modeling


This is tremendously cool. A nice intuitive web-based interface for the lme4 package in R (and you neither need to know R or understand the intricacies of the lme4 package) that gives you pdf output and plots. If you just want to play around and not worry about coding things up, it’s a great little option. Be sure to check out the demo video...

762 sym

Do Not Log-Transform Count Data, Bitches!


OK, so, the title of this article is actually Do not log-transform count data, but, as @ascidacea mentioned, you just can’t resist adding the “bitches” to the end. Onwards. If you’re like me, when you learned experimental stats, you were taught to worship at the throne of the Normal Distribution. Always check your data and make sure it ...

6085 sym R (513 sym/1 pcs) 6 img