Publications by Janis Corona
This uses a previous python3 script inside R with reticulate to communicate python code within R. This will classify a wellness or health category based on it being one of either articles pulled from the internet on: physical therapy benefits, massage therapy benefits, chiropractic benefits, massage gun benefits, benefits of mental health service...
7247 sym R (108536 sym/129 pcs) 10 img
Reticulate for NLP using Python in R with added word clouds of Recommended Healthcare Options
This uses a previous python3 script inside R with reticulate to communicate python code within R. This will classify a wellness or health category based on it being one of either articles pulled from the internet on: physical therapy benefits, massage therapy benefits, chiropractic benefits, massage gun benefits, benefits of mental health service...
4044 sym R (106991 sym/123 pcs) 9 img
Massage Modality or Alternate Healthcare Recommender System
This uses a previous python3 script inside R with reticulate to communicate python code within R. This will classify a wellness or health category based on it being one of either articles pulled from the internet on: physical therapy benefits, massage therapy benefits, chiropractic benefits, massage gun benefits, benefits of mental health service...
2599 sym R (26078 sym/98 pcs) 2 img
Python 3.6 inside of Rstudio using Reticulate, for Multinomial Naive Bayes ML Sentiment Analysis
I want to bring in the python script and process that used the sci-kit, keras, and tensorflow packages of python to show the results of machine learning using multinomial naive bayes. There is a package in R that allows for communicating the same work from python packages into R. Lets try it out, its new to me and sounds really cool. But every th...
2966 sym R (16173 sym/96 pcs) 2 img
Web Scraped Reviews 2, Text Mining, NLP, ML, visNetworks, predict with Selected Keys
This is a web scraped social media review site of two chriopractic clinics offering massage, one low priced grocery store, and one high end massage retreat.The names of the doctors have been replaced with ‘DOCTOR’, and name of chiropracic facility to CHIROPRACTIC. The names of the high end massage retreat have been replaced with ‘HIGH END S...
89649 sym R (2343193 sym/922 pcs) 21 img
Web Scraped Reviews with Manual NLP with regex and keyword extraction to predict Rating by Review
This is a web scraped social media review site of two chriopractic clinics offering massage, one low priced grocery store, and one high end massage retreat.The names of the doctors have been replaced with ‘DOCTOR’, and name of chiropracic facility to CHIROPRACTIC. The names of the high end massage retreat have been replaced with ‘HIGH END S...
51745 sym R (482544 sym/503 pcs) 14 img
Gene Targets by Threshold CNV and Fold Change Values Link Analysis with VisNetwork
This Rmarkdown file will extract the genes having high Copy Number Variants (CNVs) and fold change expression values in their available data. The information is from the previous GEO data sets used earlier, that also had sequence information as well as gene information. These studies having gene sequence information are: Alzheimer’s Disease (AD...
22563 sym R (69327 sym/207 pcs)
Link Analysis Setting up a Link Network VisNetwork Htmlwidgets
This was from a tutorial on html widgets using visNetwork on library("tidyverse") ## -- Attaching packages ------------------------------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.0 -- ## <U+2713> ggplot2 3.2.1 <U+2713> purrr 0.3.3 ## <U+2713> tibble 2.1.3 <U+2713> dplyr 0.8.3 ## <U+2713> tidyr 1.0.0 ...
1292 sym R (9958 sym/49 pcs)
Regex extraction from notes of seconds of time for actions in UFC Mazvidal
This Rmarkdown script will extract the actions and reactions from two separate csv files of second by second, sequence actions within each second, and make dummy fields for each action of each sequence of action in each second observation. The actions were manually recorded from viewing frame by frame actions for missed, landed, and received in t...
5752 sym R (58155 sym/35 pcs)
Text Mining PubMed Articles on Earaches
This script takes ten articles from the abstracts on earache articles from NCBI’s PubMed, then abstracts the words associated for text mining and to build a word cloud. The csv file used is ‘NCBI-EarAche-PubMed.csv’ available at github. This first part will extract the articles from the first column and create a separate csv file for the ar...
1430 sym R (12796 sym/47 pcs) 6 img