Publications by Janine Medina

Lab Section 2 Assignment


#Libraries library(haven) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library (ggplot2) library(psych) ## ## Attaching package: 'psych' ## The following obje...

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BootCamp Session3 Incomplete Doc


What is statistics? - The field of statistics: the practice and study of collecting and analyzing data. - A summary statistic: a fact about or summary of some data Types of Statistics - Descriptive statistics: describe and summarize data - Inferential statistics: Use a sample of data to make inferences about a larger population Types of Data - Nu...

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FY 22-23 StatsBootCamps


What is statistics? - The field of statistics: the practice and study of collecting and analyzing data. - A summary statistic: a fact about or summary of some data Types of Statistics - Descriptive statistics: describe and summarize data - Inferential statistics: Use a sample of data to make inferences about a larger population Types of Data ...

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Cleaning and visually data


Importing Data Setting WD Before we import, it may be worth it to set our “Working Directory.” This basically tells R where to look for things and where to save things. We can be specific when we import or save, but this will make it faster and help code run if you are using code to import. Sometimes, Rmd files give you a hard time with sett...

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PSY 211 Problem Set Assignment


#’ — #’ author: “Chelsea McElwee” #’ title: “Probelm Set 1 Assignment” #’ Due: “10/7/2022” #’ — #installing readxl package because i will be using an excel file and #then i have to bring up the library for the package i installed install.packages(“readxl”) library(readxl) #Reading and importing data from XL read_exce...

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PSYC211_Problem Set 1_AP


#Began by setting working directory, creating a chunk, and reading in data. read.csv("master_QuadMax10_n250.csv") ## SUBJECTS AGE GENDER SEX LOE HITS_PAIR HITS_TRIP HITS_QUAD ## 1 A3LKPH6ISMWLJR 18.89041 M 1 12 0.8 0.6 0.4 ## 2 A1BZLPYW3YGUWZ 19.31233 F 0 13 0.6 1.0 1.0 ## 3...

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Week 3 Lab


Making Scales Sometimes, we collect data that we need to make into scales, such as multiple questions that get at the same construct. When this happens, we want to combine the data in some way, maybe through summation or maybe through averaging. We’ll go over both here. Importing Data But first, let’s bring in our data. We’re working with ...

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Problem Set 1 v2


#’ — #’ author: “Chelsea McElwee” #’ title: “Probelm Set 1 Assignment” #’ Due: “10/7/2022” #’ — #installing readxl package because i will be using an excel file and #then i have to bring up the library for the package i installed #install.packages("readxl") library(readxl) #Reading and importing data from XL read_exce...

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Problem Set #1 w/ Visuals


#installing readxl package because i will be using an excel file and #then i have to bring up the library for the package i installed #install.packages("knitr") library(knitr) #install.packages("readxl") library(readxl) #Reading and importing data from XL read_excel ("2014-2022 ONLY.xlsx") #set working directory #bring up libraries for packa...

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Problem Set 2_AP


R Markdown #began by setting working directory, creating a chunk, and reading in data read.csv("master_QuadMax10_n250_V2.csv") ## SUBJECTS AGE GENDER SEX ## 1 A3LKPH6ISMWLJR 18.89041 M 1 Y ## 2 A1BZLPYW3YGUWZ 19.31233 F 0 ...

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