Publications by Jairemy Edwards
Predicting Political Ideological Placement Using Regression & M5 MLs
Packages library(car) library(readxl) library(dplyr) library(RWeka) ## Warning: package 'RWeka' was built under R version 4.4.2 This exercise uses data from the 2024 American National Election Studies Pilot Survey to train, test, and evaluate the performance of regression and M5 machine learning models in predicting respondents’ self-placem...
2575 sym R (18823 sym/52 pcs) 2 img
Practice with Consumer Price Index (CPI-U), ARIMA
library(forecast) library(ggplot2) library(readxl) Data # Consumer price index CPI-U, "U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics" cpi.wide<-read_xlsx("C:\\Users\\Jaire\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\Exploratory Research\\Data\\cpi.xlsx") head(cpi.wide) ## # A tibble: 6 × 112 ## ID month `1914` `1915` `1916` `1917` `1918` `1919` `1920` `1921` `1922` ## <db...
128 sym R (7939 sym/43 pcs) 11 img
Practice with Yahoo Finance
Packages library(quantmod) library(forecast) library(TTR) Data tickersList <- stockSymbols() ## Fetching NASDAQ symbols... ## Fetching non-NASDAQ symbols... # Retrieve TESLA stock data T_df <- getSymbols('TSLA', src='yahoo', auto.assign=FALSE) summary(T_df) ## Index TSLA.Open TSLA.High TSLA.Low ## M...
37 sym R (3710 sym/13 pcs) 3 img
Practice with World Bank Data
Packages library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(WDI) Variables # NY.GDP.PCAP.CN - GDP per capita (current LCU) WDI( country = "US", indicator = "NY.GDP.PCAP.CN", start = 1990, end = 2021, extra = FALSE, cache = NULL, latest = NULL, language = "en" ) ## country iso2c iso3c year NY.GDP.PCAP.CN ## 1 United Stat...
124 sym R (7916 sym/26 pcs) 7 img
Practice with Time Series
Packages: library(forecast) library(stats) library(readxl) Data inflation<-read.csv("C:\\Users\\Jaire\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\Exploratory Research\\Data\\long_inflation.csv") # U.S. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) reshaped into long format - 792 months from JAN 1958 to DEC 2023 # extracted from summary...
376 sym R (13689 sym/43 pcs) 11 img
Machine Learning Logit Regression Classification
library(openxlsx) library(stringr) library(caTools) library(car) library(foreign) library(readr) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(survey) library(haven) library(gmodels) library(randomForest) library(vita) library(ggplot2) This project explores a basic application of the logit regression machine learning algorithm. The project...
2524 sym R (44018 sym/97 pcs) 2 img
Machine Learning k means Clustering
library(openxlsx) library(tm) library(car) library(foreign) library(readr) library(dplyr) library(RWeka) library(RODBC) library(class) library(gmodels) library(stats) This project explores a basic application k-means clustering. The data used are for practice and were drawn from “social networking service” data and text: “Machine...
369 sym R (66449 sym/36 pcs)
Machine Learning Association Rule Algorithms
library(openxlsx) library(tm) library(car) library(foreign) library(readr) library(dplyr) library(RWeka) library(RODBC) library(class) library(gmodels) library(arules) This project explores a basic application of market basket analysis using “association rule algorithms”. The data used are for practice and were drawn from “grocer...
549 sym R (12452 sym/31 pcs) 4 img
Machine Learning Rule Learner Classification
library(openxlsx) library(tm) library(car) library(foreign) library(readr) library(dplyr) library(RWeka) library(RODBC) library(class) library(gmodels) This project explores a basic application of “rule learner” classification. The data used are for practice and were drawn from mushroom data and text: “Machine Learning with R”. ...
459 sym R (6715 sym/29 pcs)
Machine Learning Decision Tree Classification
library(openxlsx) library(tm) library(car) library(foreign) library(readr) library(dplyr) library(RWeka) library(RODBC) library(class) library(gmodels) library(C50) This project explores a basic application of “decision tree” classification. The data used are for practice and were drawn from credit data and text: “Machine Learni...
888 sym R (70726 sym/56 pcs)