Publications by Jacob Martin

DS 2870 - Homework 7 Solutions - Fall 2023


Data Description We’ll be using the AirBnB data set from New York City in 2019. It lists every apartment available in New York City in 2019. The relevant columns are: neighbourhood_group: Which of the 5 boroughs the apartment is located in room_type: The type of room being offered (“Entire home/apt”, “Private room”, “Shared room”)...

4732 sym Python (9126 sym/21 pcs) 1 img 1 tbl

DS 2870 - Homework 5 Solutions - Fall 2023


Data Description The temps data contains the high (TMAX) and low (TMIN) for each day (DATE), recorded at the South Burlington Airport between December 1940 to September 2023. Snow (SNOW) and rain (PRCP) are also included in the data, but won’t be used (neither will be TAVG since it is missing for almost 80% of the days). You will be creatin...

3151 sym Python (5534 sym/8 pcs) 4 img

DS 2870: Module 6 - Creating County Level Maps


Set Up Your Project and Load Libraries knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = F, fig.align = "center") ## Set the default size of figures (I only use it for knitting) # knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=8, fig.height=5) ## Load the libraries we will be using pacman::p_load(gapminder, socviz, tidyverse, usmap, map...

2251 sym 3 img

DS 2870: Module 5: Adding text to a scatter plot


Set Up Your Project and Load Libraries knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = F, fig.align = "center", warning = F, message = F, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 8) ## Set the default size of figures # knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=8, fig.heigh...

3157 sym 12 img 4 tbl

DS 2870: Module 5 - Dumbbell Plots


What is a Dumbbell Plot? A dumbbell plot is used to demonstrate the difference or change of a case (person, place, thing, etc…) of a quantitative variable across a binary variable (categorical variable with 2 outcomes). Streaming service subscribers in 2021 vs 2022 Case: Streaming service Quantitative: Number of subscribers Binary: Year (202...

5246 sym 3 img 3 tbl

DS 2870 HW 3 Solutions - Fall 2023


Data Description The movies data set has 5684 rows about the amount of expicit content (drugs, language, sex & nudity, and violence) found in 1421 movies released since 1985. Each movies is represented by 4 rows (1 row = movie & content type combo). The relevant variables in the data set are: imdb_id: The identifier used by IMDB to uniquely sp...

2682 sym 6 img

Changing Default Geom Aesthetics Settings


Histogram of how many times Roy Kent says f*ck Let’s start by creating a histogram for how many times Roy Kent uses his favorite word in Ted Lasso # Creating a decent blank graph gg_RK <- ggplot( data = richmondway, mapping = aes( x = F_count_RK ) ) + # Having the histogram sit on the x-axis scale_y_continuo...

1645 sym 9 img

DS 2870 - Homework 6 Graphs - Fall 2023


Data description and cleaning: we’ll be using the county_complete data set that has 188 variables from the openintro package, but we’ll be using the following columns: name: County name state: State name fips: An identifier that uniquely IDs each county households_2019: The number of households in the county households_speak_spanish_2019: ...

4219 sym 2 img

DS 2870 - Homework 2 Solutions - Fall 2023


Data Description The csv file bgg.csv contains 999 board games from the website There are 10 variables. The relevant variables are: name: The name of the board game year: The year the game was first released rating: The average user rating from playtime: The manufacturers stated time it takes to complete th...

1748 sym Python (2135 sym/5 pcs) 4 img

DS 2870 - Homework 5 - Fall 2023


Data Description The temps data contains the high (TMAX) and low (TMIN) for each day (DATE), recorded at the South Burlington Airport between December 1940 to September 2023. Snow (SNOW) and rain (PRCP) are also included in the data, but won’t be used (neither will be TAVG since it is missing for almost 80% of the days). You will be creatin...

3145 sym 4 img