Publications by Ivan Lizarazo
Access global soil data from R
1. Introduction This is an R Markdown Notebook which illustrates how to access SoilGrids using the webDAV protocol. In particular, it shows how to get soil layers for a region of interest. This notebook aims to help Geomatica Basica students at Universidad Nacional de Colombia to get started with Rgis. We will use gdalUTils functions to access an...
4821 sym R (8997 sym/37 pcs) 11 img
Accessing elevation data from R
1. Why this notebook? This is an R Notebook created using R Studio on an old laptop. It illustrates several functionalities to obtain, process and visualize digital elevation models in R. It aims to help Geomatica Basica students at Universidad Nacional with their home activities during this time of social distancing. Everybody should publish a s...
9283 sym R (11467 sym/52 pcs) 17 img
Leaflet - Part1
1. Introduction This is an R Markdown Notebook which illustrates how to read a text file with geographic coordinates, convert it into a spatial feature object, and create a leaflet map. This notebook is written to help Geomatica Basica students at Universidad Nacional de Colombia to get started with geospatial data in R. # install libraries from ...
596 sym R (3546 sym/20 pcs)
Getting started with Leaflet maps
1. Introduction This is an R Markdown Notebook which illustrates how to read a text file with geographic coordinates, convert it into a spatial feature object, and create a leaflet map. In addition, a shapefile of polygons is used to enhance the map contents. This notebook includes a workaround to publishing a map when uploading a html to RPubs c...
1635 sym R (4332 sym/23 pcs) 3 img
Leaflet mapping using simplified geometries
1. Introduction This is an R Markdown Notebook which illustrates how to read a text file with geographic coordinates, and convert it into a spatial feature object with point geometries. Then, a shapefile of polygons is read. Finally, a leaflet map with polygons and points is created. This notebook is written to help Geomatica Basica students at U...
2085 sym R (6010 sym/41 pcs)
Sentinel-2 in R
1. Introduction This is an R Markdown notebook which illustrates how to read, subset, and process a Sentinel-2 multispectral image in R. This notebook aims to help Geomatica Basica students at Universidad Nacional to get to know R geospatial functionalities. Previously, I downloaded a Sentinel 2 image over Bogota from the GloVis website. After un...
1503 sym R (10556 sym/55 pcs) 2 img
Kriging made simple
1. Introduction This R Markdown notebook illustrates kriging interpolation. The code was written by Barry Boessenkool. Thank you Barry! 2. Toy interpolation A single script to understand interpolation: if(!requireNamespace("pacman", quietly=TRUE)) install.packages("pacman") pacman::p_load(geoR, berryFunctions) # installs packages if needed # ber...
568 sym R (4456 sym/30 pcs) 4 img
How to project big raster files?
1. Introduction Reprojecting big raster files is a common task needed for GIS analysis. It may be challenging to conduct it by using the projectRaster functionality provided by the raster library: it can take several hours. In this notebook, I explore another option to overcome the challenge: the gdalUtils library which provides wrapper functions...
989 sym R (5789 sym/33 pcs) 2 img
Classification accuracy assessment
1. Introduction This is an R Markdown notebook to evaluate how your classification results reflect the real-world. Using a toy dataset, we explain how to compute common metrics that are often used in accuracy assessment. Most code has been taken from a blog written by Said Bleik, Shaheen Gauher, Data Scientists at Microsoft, which you may visit h...
1088 sym R (2944 sym/28 pcs) 2 img
Joining attributes to spatial features
1. Introduction This is the four notebook which Geomatica Basica students have to write to get started with R & RStudio. It aims at learning how to join non-spatial attributes to geospatial data. We will illustrate the topic by joining a spatial feature representing municipalities in Boyacá (i.e. a shapefile provided by DANE, 2017) and a non-sp...
4513 sym R (14115 sym/65 pcs) 1 img