Publications by ibartomeus
How to update and backup a MySQL database under version control and all within Rstudio
I am trying to have better workflows to ensure data quality and two important things for me are first, scripting as much as posible the data manipulation process, and second, backing up the database we use under version control (e.g. Git*). I succeeded on that, but it was a 11 TAB problem**, so I though would be good post it here for others, and ...
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Preferring a preference index
I’ve been reading about preference indexes lately, specifically for characterising pollinator preferences for plants, so here is what I learnt. Preference is defined as using an item (e.g. plant) more than expected given the item abundance. First I like to use a quantitative framework (you can use ranks-based indices as in Williams et al 2011...
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Getting the most of mix models with random slopes
I use mix models as a way to find general patterns integrating different levels of information (i.e. the random effects). Sometimes you only want to focus on the general effects, but others the variation among levels is also of interest. If this is the case, using a random slope model is pretty cool, but making sense of lmer output is not trivia...
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is_invasive( ) got a new best friend: is_native( )
A while ago I did a function to check if a species was among the worst invaders. I am really happy this function was used and ropensci put it in a package. However the function does not tell you if a species is exotic in a particular place, and this is what most people want to know. Scott Chamberlain found a couple of other resources to get invas...
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Power analysis for mixed models
This is a quick note that may be useful for some people. I was interested in knowing how many years of monitoring we need to detect a trend. This is a long term monitoring project, so we already have 7 years of data to play with. For a simple design, you can use the pwr library in R to answer your question, but for nested designs (i.e. random fac...
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Fun Data for teaching R
I’ll be running an R course soon and I am looking for fun (public) datasets to use in data manipulation and visualization. I would like to use a single dataset that has some easy variables for the first days, but also some more challenging ones for the final days. And I want that when I put exercises, the students* are curious about finding ou...
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