Publications by Hudson Finch-Batista

Multiple Regression Lab


The Data download.file("", destfile = "evals.RData") load("evals.RData") Exercise 1: Is this an observational study or an experiment? The original research question posed in the paper is whether beauty leads directly to the differences in course evaluations. Given the study design, is it possible to ...

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Linear Regression


The Data download.file("", destfile = "mlb11.RData") load("mlb11.RData") Exercise 1: What type of plot would you use to display the relationship between runs and one of the other numerical variables? Plot this relationship using the variable at_bats as the predictor. Does the relationship look linear...

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Categorical Data Inference


The Survey Exercise 1: In the first paragraph, several key findings are reported. Do these percentages appear to be sample statistics (derived from the data sample) or population parameters? The finding that the 13% of global population is atheist, 23% of the global population is non-religious, and 59% of the global population is religious is ba...

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Confidence Interval Lab


The Data download.file("", destfile = "ames.RData") load("ames.RData") population <- ames$Gr.Liv.Area samp <- sample(population, 60) Exercise 1: Describe the distribution of your sample. What would you say is the “typical” size within your sample? Also state precisely what you interpreted “typic...

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Foundations for Statistical Inference


The Data download.file("", destfile = "ames.RData") load("ames.RData") area <- ames$Gr.Liv.Area price <- ames$SalePrice summary(area) ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## 334 1126 1442 1500 1743 5642 hist(area) Exercise 1: Describe this population distribution The ...

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The Normal Distribution


The Data This data set contains measurements from 247 men and 260 women, most of whom were considered healthy young adults. download.file("", destfile = "bdims.RData") load("bdims.RData") head(bdims) ## bia.di bii.di bit.di che.di elb.di wri.di kne.di ank.di ## 1 42.9 26.0 ...

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Getting Started download.file("", destfile = "kobe.RData") load("kobe.RData") head(kobe) ## vs game quarter time description ## 1 ORL 1 1 9:47 Kobe Bryant makes 4-foot two point shot ## 2 ORL 1 1 9:07 ...

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source("") On Your Own Make a scatterplot of weight versus desired weight. Describe the relationship between these two variables. plot(cdc$weight,cdc$wtdesire) # It appears that there the variables are positively associated/corelated. # That is, wtdesire appears to be a positive linear function of weig...

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Present Day Birth Records in the United States


##Data: Present Day Birth Records in the United States source("") 1. What years are included in this data set? What are the dimensions of the data frame and what are the variable or column names? present$year ## [1] 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 ## [16] 19...

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Hypothesis Testing


Inference for Numerical Data North Carolina Births In 2004, the state of North Carolina released a large data set containing information on births recorded in this state. This data set is useful to researchers studying the relation between habits and practices of expectant mothers and the birth of their children. We will work with a random sampl...

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