Publications by Hsin Chih Chen
Google Data Analytics Capstone Project
Synopsis This capstone project is to use the knowledge from Google Data Analytics courses to answer business questions coming from bike-share service while using supporting evidence to persuade stakeholders & executive while the decisions have to be made. The data can be download in the link below:
2324 sym R (41623 sym/84 pcs) 2 img
Exploratory Data Analysis - PA2
Abstract The purpose of to analyze the EPI National Emissions Invetory’s historical data for tracking the emissions of this pollutant into the atmosphere. For each year and for each type of PM source, the NEI records how many tons of PM2.5 were emitted from that source over the course of the entire year. The data that you will use for this ass...
1657 sym R (7923 sym/21 pcs)
Data Visualization Capstone: Week 2
Data Import Applying read.csv function while identifying the NA items, then use na.omit to ensure the remaining data set has complete entries for all 10 variables. # Obtain Raw Data from Source URL <- "" download.file(URL,"bwq.csv",method = "curl") # Execute Data I...
1137 sym R (7442 sym/10 pcs)
Developing Data Product: Final Assignment
2022/4/2 Project Description Instructions: Write a shiny application with associated supporting documentation. The documentation should be thought of as whatever a user will need to get started using your application. Deploy the application on Rstudio’s shiny server. Share the application link by pasting it into the provided text box. Sha...
1180 sym R (586 sym/11 pcs) 1 tbl
Developing Data Products - PA2
2022/4/2 Project Description This project will demonstrate the plotly package’s practice and demonstrate with the datasets built within in R for description. In this case, I have selected the air quality data (removing the NA values) to evaluate the comparison by months for wind level and Ozone level. Data Cleaning & Arrangement for Air Qual...
472 sym R (226 sym/3 pcs)
Advanced Data Visualization with R: Week 1 Review
Hsin Chih Chen More ggplot Figures Peer Review Problem 1 Create the figure in the solution for Problem 1, using the data included in the R Markdown file. Problem 2 Create the figure in the solution for Problem 2, using the data included in the R Markdown file. ## Warning: 套件 'GGally' 是用 R 版本 4.1.1 來建造的 Problem 3 Create the...
941 sym R (221 sym/5 pcs) 8 img
Data Visualization in R with ggplot2: Week 3 Review
Following the directions on the Coursera assignment page, you will make four original visualizations. Note that the data for the CCES and CEL data are imported in code in the R Markdown file. Put your name here: Hsin Chih Chen Exercise 1 Explain what you are visualizing here: In this exercise, I have generated random temperature between 15 to 3...
1196 sym R (161 sym/3 pcs) 4 img
Getting Started with Data Visualization Final Exercise
Problem 1 Create a vector of five numbers of your choice between 0 and 10, save that vector to an object, and use the sum() function to calculate the sum of the numbers. p1 <- seq(from = 1,to = 5,1) sum(p1) ## [1] 15 Problem 2 Create a data frame that includes two columns. One column must have the numbers 1 through 5, and the other column must ...
3743 sym R (4202 sym/21 pcs) 2 img 1 tbl
Data Visualization in R with ggplot2: Week 2 Review
Your objective is to replicate these figures, created using the Cooperative Congressional Election Study data. These figures are similar to those we completed in the lecture videos. Put your name here: Hsin Chih Chen Exercise 1 Hints: For the x-axis, use the variable “ideo5”. Make sure you recode the data for the “ideo5” variable to ge...
1564 sym 3 img
Regression Model PA
Project Introduction This project assignment is to look at a data set of car collections in 1974 (mtcars), and the two main questions this project would like to know the following questions. “Is automatic or manual transmission better for MPG”? “Quantify the MPG difference between automatic and manual transmissions” Preliminary Setup...
3313 sym R (10046 sym/41 pcs) 4 img 2 tbl