Publications by Higher Order Functions

I don’t know Fisher’s exact test, but I know Stan


A few days ago, I watched a terrific lecture by Bob Carpenter on Bayesian models. He started with a Bayesian approach to Fisher’s exact test. I had never heard of this classical procedure, so I was curious to play with the example. In this post, I use the same data that he used in the lecture and in an earlier, pre-Stan blog post. I show how I ...

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New package polypoly (helper functions for orthogonal polynomials)


Last week, I released a new package called polypoly to CRAN. It wraps up some common tasks for dealing with orthogonal polynomials into a single package. The README shows off the main functionality, as well as the neat “logo” I made for the package. In this post, I use the package on some word recognition data. Demo: Growth curve analysis I...

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Plotting partial pooling in mixed-effects models


In this post, I demonstrate a few techniques for plotting information from a relatively simple mixed-effects model fit in R. These plots can help us develop intuitions about what these models are doing and what “partial pooling” means. The sleepstudy dataset For these examples, I’m going to use the sleepstudy dataset from the lme4 package....

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A tour of the tibble package


Dataframes are used in R to hold tabular data. Think of the prototypical spreadsheet or database table: a grid of data arranged into rows and columns. That’s a dataframe. The tibble R package provides a fresh take on dataframes to fix some longstanding annoyances with them. For example, printing a large tibble shows just the first 10 rows ins...

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set_na_where(): a nonstandard evaluation use case


In this post, I describe a recent case where I used rlang’s tidy evaluation system to do some data-cleaning. This example is not particularly involved, but it demonstrates is a basic but powerful idea: That we can capture the expressions that a user writes, pass them around as data, and make some :dizzy: magic :sparkles: happen. This techniqu...

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Simplifying ggplot2 code by doing nothing


Recently, I joined the development team for bayesplot, an R package by the Stan team for plotting Bayesian models. Because visualizing Bayesian models in ggplot2 is a recurring topic here, it was a natural fit. So from time to time, I’ll post about some programming techniques and new features we develop in the bayesplot package. For this post, ...

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Secret Santa is a graph traversal problem


Last week at Thanksgiving, my family drew names from a hat for our annual game of Secret Santa. Actually, it wasn’t a hat but you know what I mean. (Now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen names drawn from a literal hat before!) In our family, the rules of Secret Santa are pretty simple: The players’ names are put in “a...

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Using nonstandard evaluation to simulate a register machine


I recently completed all 25 days of Advent of Code 2017, an annual series of recreational programming puzzles. Each day describes a programming puzzle and illustrates a handful of simple examples of the problem. The puzzle then requires the participant to solve a much, much larger form of the problem. For five or so of the puzzles, I used nonstan...

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Recode values with character subsetting


Do you ever have to recode many values at once? It’s a frequent chore when preparing data. For example, suppose we had to replace state abbreviations with the full names: abbs <- c("AL", "AK", "AZ", "AZ", "WI", "WS") You could write several ifelse() statements. ifelse(abbs == "AL", "Alabama", ifelse(abbs == "AK", "Alaska", ...

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Ridgelines in bayesplot 1.5.0


At the end of March, Jonah Gabry and I released bayesplot 1.5.0. The major additions to the package were visualizations using ridgelines and a new plot for PIT diagnostics from LOO validation. I don’t know what that LOO PIT thing is yet, so I’ll talk about how ridgelines have been incorporated into bayesplot instead. Behind the scenes of mcmc...

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