Publications by Author: Harsha vardhan reddy
Chat analysis of Team Kanyarashi library("ggimage") ## Loading required package: ggplot2 library("stopwords") library("tidytext") library("tidyr") library("rwhatsapp") library("dplyr") ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from ...
692 sym R (2119 sym/14 pcs) 4 img
All the libraries which i used for analysis library("ggimage") ## Loading required package: ggplot2 library("stopwords") library("tidytext") library("tidyr") library("rwhatsapp") library("dplyr") ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are m...
224 sym R (2114 sym/14 pcs) 4 img
Prediction Assignment Writeup
Prediction Assignment Writeup One thing that people regularly do is quantify how much of a particular activity they do, but they rarely quantify how well they do it. In this project, your goal will be to use data from accelerometers on the belt, forearm, arm, and dumbell of 6 participants.(predict the manner in which they did the exercise) Backg...
3165 sym R (7507 sym/49 pcs) 1 img
Braking distance of f1 vs ordinary car
Braking distance of f1 vs ordinary carHarsha vardhan reddy22/12/2020 Overview of web application The braking distance, also called the stopping distance, is the distance a vehicle covers from the time of the full application of its brakes until it has stopped moving. This is often given as a 100-0kph distance. In the web application braking dis...
2653 sym R (3632 sym/2 pcs)
R Markdown Presentation & Plotly
Instructions Create a web page presentation using R Markdown that features a plot created with Plotly. Host your webpage on either GitHub Pages, RPubs, or NeoCities. Your webpage must contain the date that you created the document, and it must contain a plot created with Plotly. Analysis is based on Motor Trend Car Road Tests data Description T...
1421 sym R (1778 sym/12 pcs)
Leaflet Project
Location of Top 7 Mountains By Elevation Introduction The Goal of the project is to create a web page using R markdown that features a map created with leaflet, and to host the resulting web page on either github pages, Rpubs, or neocities. Data Sources wikipedia List of mountains by elevation latitude and longitude data is taken from google. ...
635 sym R (682 sym/2 pcs)
Introduction Storms and other severe weather events can cause both public health and economic problems for communities and municipalities. Many severe events can result in fatalities, injuries, and property damage, and preventing such outcomes to the extent possible is a key concern. This project involves exploring the U.S. National Oceanic and A...
2795 sym R (5462 sym/15 pcs) 2 img