Publications by Harris Wohl
Final Project Informal Report
Introduction The goal of this analysis was to build a model that would be able to predict house price based on given characteristics like number of stories, the year the home was built, and total number of rooms. The model I have chosen predicts a house’s price with a margin of error of about $150,000. These predictions can be leveraged to figu...
3094 sym
Final Project Code
library(stats) Reading in the data and EDA setwd("C:/Users/Harris/OneDrive - University of Pittsburgh/Senior Year/Statistical Learning/Stat1361") train <- read.csv("./train.csv") test <- read.csv("./test.csv") dim(train) ## [1] 1400 17 dim(test) ## [1] 600 17 summary(train[,-1]) ## price desc numstories ...
1574 sym R (42928 sym/172 pcs) 27 img
Sum of all Possible Sub-Constituencies
library(combinat) ## ## Attaching package: 'combinat' ## The following object is masked from 'package:utils': ## ## combn The Combination Way (adding [20 choose 1] + [20 choose 2] … + [20 choose 20]) sum = 0 for(i in 1:19){ comb <- dim(combn(20, i))[2] sum = sum + comb } # the plus 2 accounts for 20C20 and 20C0 sum + 2 ## [...
338 sym R (324 sym/9 pcs)