Publications by Hao-Lun Fu

Covariance Patterns Models: Homework exercises


1 Homework 1: For the claudication example, first reproduce the results of the analysis then analyze it with a model constraining baseline effect to be the same for both treatment groups while ignoring gender. The new drug Novafylline is developed to reduce the symptoms of intermittent claudication, which is a medical term for pain caused by too ...

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Covariance Patterns Models: In-class exercises


1 In-class exercises 2: Replicate the analysis reported in the arrhythmogenic dose of epinephrine example. The arrhythmogenic dose of epinephrine (ADE) is determined by infusing epinephrine into an animal until arrhythmia criterion is reached. The arrhythmia criterion was the occurrence of four intermittent or continuous premature ventricular con...

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Generalized Estimating Equations


1 In-class exercises 1: Fit a regression model for parents and another for teachers, separately, and compare the results with that from the multiple sources approach for the Connecticut child surveys example. The data are obtained from two surveys of children’s mental health. The data set consists of 1,428 children who had both parent and teach...

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Generalized Linear Models II: In-class exercises


1 In-class exercises 1: Replicate the analysis reported in the bullying example. Two measures of bullying behavior have been constructed. The first uses self-report on a 9-item Illinois Bully Scale. The second is peer nomination in which children list any person they perceive as a bully. The total number of nominations a person receives is a meas...

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Generalized Linear Models: Homework exercises


1 Homework 1: Reproduce the results of analysis reported in Chapter 11 of Behavioral data analysis with R (Cheng & Sheu, 2015) with this R script and the married dataset . 1.1 Load data file pacman::p_load(knitr, simstudy, tidyverse, nlme, rms, ggplot2, lme4, binomTools) # input data dta <- read.table('data/married.txt', header = T, fileEncodin...

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Generalized linear mixed models: In-class exercises


1 In-class exercises 1: Fit the Rasch model to starter data via the generalized linear mixed model framework. The data are the responses of a sample of 150 individuals to 9 multiple-choice items from a General Certificate of Education O-level mathematics paper containing 60 items in all. The responses are coded 1 for correct answer and 0 for inco...

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Nonlinear mixed models: Exercises


1 Exercises 1: Reproduce the results of analysis reported in the reading time and character size example. MNREAD Acuity Charts (Optelec, US Inc.) were used to measure reading speed as a function of print size. MNREAD data were collected from 42 adult observers with normal vision. Reading speed was measured in log word per minute. Print size was m...

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