Publications by Hannah Robinson
FinalGroupProject_BCE Importing and Renaming the Data Set remove(list=ls()) Most.Streamed.Spotify.Songs.2024 <- read.csv("~/Desktop/BCE Coding/Most Streamed Spotify Songs 2024.csv", comment.char="#") spotify_songs <- Most.Streamed.Spotify.Songs.2024 Cleaning the Data library(visdat) library(stargazer) Please cite as: Hlavac, Marek (2022)....
297 sym Python (9949 sym/40 pcs) 8 img
FinalGroupProject_BCE Importing and Renaming the Data Set remove(list=ls()) #spotify_songs <- read.csv("~/Desktop/BCE Coding/Most Streamed Spotify Songs 2024.csv", comment.char="#") spotify_songs <- read.csv("~/Desktop/BCE Coding/Most Streamed Spotify Songs 2024.csv", comment.char="#", na.strings = FALSE) Cleaning the Data library(visdat) l...
336 sym Python (12185 sym/42 pcs) 9 img
MoneyballLinearRegression Importing the Data remove(list=ls()) # Cleaning the environment money <- read.csv("~/Downloads/moneyball-training-data.csv") # Importing the Data Cleaning the Data head( # search for missing values in data set INDEX TARGET_WINS TEAM_BATTING_H TEAM_BATTING_2B TEAM_BATTING_3B [1,] FALSE FALSE ...
536 sym 3 img
Importing Dataset: remove(list = ls()) train <- read.csv("~/Desktop/BCE Coding/train.csv") library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ── ## ✔ dplyr 1.1.4 ✔ readr 2.1.5 ## ✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.1 ## �...
42 sym R (2462 sym/17 pcs) 1 img
Moneyball Group Project
MoneyMaking Importing and ggplots: remove(list = ls()) # Clean the environment. gc() used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) limit (Mb) max used (Mb) Ncells 595867 31.9 1352355 72.3 NA 700242 37.4 Vcells 1098570 8.4 8388608 64.0 16384 1963194 15.0 cat("\f") getwd() [1] "/Users/hannahrobinson/Downloads" library(stargaze...
2656 sym Python (5051 sym/66 pcs) 16 img
MoneyballGroupProject Task I: Importing the Data remove (list = ls()) `` <- read.csv("~/Desktop/moneyball-training-data (1).csv", header=FALSE) moneyball <- `` Task II: Cleaning the Data A. You can drop variables with too many missing observations (we talked about subsetting dataLinks to a...
533 sym 2 img
MergingHomework Importing Data remove (list=ls()) library(readxl) ?readxl telecom_customer_churn <- read.csv("~/Desktop/telecom_customer_churn.csv") Customer <- telecom_customer_churn telecom_zipcode_population <- read.csv("~/Desktop/telecom_zipcode_population.csv") ZipCode <- telecom_zipcode_population Unique Variables ?unique head(unique(C...
246 sym Python (1773955 sym/32 pcs) 1 img
MergingHomework Importing Data remove (list=ls()) Customer <- read.csv("~/Desktop/BCE Coding/telecom_customer_churn.csv") ZipCode <- read.csv("~/Desktop/BCE Coding/telecom_zipcode_population.csv") ?unique unique(Customer$Zip.code) [1] 93225 91206 92627 94553 93010 95345 93437 94558 93063 95681 92091 94086 [13] 95843 91942 93441 93286 949...
118 sym Python (47032 sym/28 pcs) 1 img
Import Titanic Test
library("psych") describe(df) # summary stats of data set ## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range ## PassengerId 1 332 1100.06 122.76 1099.5 1100.41 161.60 892.00 1307.00 415.00 ## Pclass 2 332 2.14 0.85 2.0 2.18 1.48 1.00 3.00 2.00 ## Name* 3 332 166.50 95.98 16...
541 sym R (4890 sym/48 pcs) 6 img
Merging Import Four datasets library(readxl) ?readxl #inventory <- read_csv("~/Downloads/inventory.csv") # View(inventory) # dim(inventory) products <- read.csv("~/Desktop/products.csv") sales <- read.csv("~/Desktop/sales.csv") stores <- read.csv("~/Desktop/stores.csv") `inventory.(1)` <- read.csv("~/Desktop/inventory (1).csv") Basic EDA on...
135 sym 1 img