Publications by Hanh



Overview: Colin Powell School Fellowships are programs provided annually for both undergraduate and graduate students, aiming to create a platform to help student gain experience in their field of study. In this report, we focused on four (4) programs: Climate Policy Fellows Program. Colin Powell Fellowship in Leadership and Public Service. ...

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Generate a data-frame. Data-frame - (aka a table) - a data structure that stores multiple data variable. Column name = variable name. Everything stored in a column is the data of that variable. data.frame() - generating a data table by combing multiple vectors. data.frame( vector1 , vector2, vector3, . . . ) Requirements Each vector should ...

1158 sym



Vector Lab Homework KEY Question 1. # vector x contains the value 3. x <- 3 x ## [1] 3 # vector y stores the value 5 y <- 5 y ## [1] 5 # vector z is the result of x divided by y z <- x/y z ## [1] 0.6 # vector a has the value Applied Statistics a <- "Applied Statistics" a ## [1] "Applied Statistics" # vector q stores the result of: 8 * 2 ^ 2 q <-...

2143 sym



Part 1: Bar Graph. barplot() FORMULA: barplot( frequency , main= "Title" , ylab= "Vertical Line Name" , xlab = "Horizontal Line Name" , col = "color-name/code , border = "border-color", space = #space-between-bar, ylim = c( #start , #end )) Raw data of drinks ordered drinks <-...

985 sym 5 img



The four programs being evaluated in this report are: Bridges to Success Course: Pre/Post Survey. Career Fellows Internship Midpoint Survey. Fellowship Programs. Internship/Job Survey. Part 1: Bridges to Success Course: Pre/Post Survey. Introduction Bridges to Success is a course designed to help preparing new students at the Colin Powell ...

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Bar Plot barplot( frequency , main = "Title of the graph" , xlab = "Label of the horizontal line" , ylab = "Label of the vertical line" , col = "color-name/code" , border = "color-of-the-border" , space = #space , ylim = c(#start, #end ) ) Example 1: Bar plot for hair color Ha...

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Part 1: tidyverse Package. Install the tidyverse package by running the code. You only need to install the package ONCE for one workspace. # run within the CONSOLE!!!! # install.packages("tidyverse") However, for using the package, we need to retrieve for EVERY NEW MARKDOWN FILE of the the workspace library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages...

1241 sym R (27957 sym/57 pcs)



Let’s skim through the data to see if it looks correct. Let me know if you think there’s anything off ## Participant.code Executive.Networks Anxiety Depression Stress ADHD ## 1 SADP01 149.55 14 18 18 35 ## 2 SADP05 187.46 25 23 26 56 ## 3 SADP09 ...

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Correlation Correlation Matrix ## Executive.Networks Anxiety Depression Stress ADHD ## Executive.Networks 1.00 0.29 0.20 0.31 0.19 ## Anxiety 0.29 1.00 0.79 0.88 0.46 ## Depression 0.20 0.79 1.00 0.80 0.31 ## Stress ...

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Correlation Correlation Plot (Heat Map) showing the significance pair at alpha = 0.05 Those in Blue color is significant at alpha = 0.05. Those in Blank/White color is NOT significant at alpha = 0.05. In this plot, the darker shade of blue indicated a stronger relationship. Effect of ADHD (IV) on Executive.Networks (DV) —- NOT SIGNIFICANT p<0....

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