Publications by Hannah Garcia, Vanessa Rathbone & Tom Wheeler
Fish Passage Report: Hannah, Vanessa, & Tom
Overview This report explores adult fish passage of coho, jack coho and steelhead salmon recorded from January 2001 to December 2010 at the Willamette Falls fish ladder on the Willamette River (Oregon). This document consists of 3 tabs: a time series, a seasonplot, and annual counts by species. This data was recorded by and made accessible throug...
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Logistic Growth of Wild Fish Catch
# read in data and get rid of extra columns (?) fish_catch <- read_csv(here("data", "fish_catch.csv")) keep <- c("year", "catch_m_tons") fish_catch = fish_catch[keep] # Mutate new column ("time") so that year 1950 is 0 fish <- fish_catch %>% mutate(time = year-1950) %>% relocate(time) fish <- fish[-c(2) ] # rename catch_m_tons to pop ...
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Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
About A team of scientists have been sampling stream chemistry in the Santa Barbara Coastal drainage area since 2000. Stream chemistry is important to monitor as streams reach the ocean and can transport chemicals like nitrate, ammonium, and reactive phosphorous. Below is a dendogram using agglomerative hierarchical clustering of each stream site...
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Binary Logistic Regression of Palmetto Species
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE) library(tidyverse) library(dplyr) library(here) library(broom) library(GGally) library(jtools) library(kableExtra) # read in data palmetto <- read_csv(here("data", "palmetto.csv"), col_types = cols(.default = 'c')) %>% mutate(height = as.numeric(height...
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Mono Lake Water Levels
Attach packages # Mono Lake Annual Levels # Data provided by Mono Basin Clearinghouse # Data collected from 1850 - present # Data collected yearly on October 1st in feet above mean sea level # ------------------------- # Attach packages library(tidyverse) library(tidyr) library(here) library(ggridges) library(janitor) library(purrr) Read in dat...
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Spiny Lobster Report: Hannah & Anne-Marie
Introduction In 2000, the Santa Barbara Coastal Term Ecological Long-Term Research (SBC LTER) program was established to better understand kelp forest ecosystems in southern California. Spiny lobsters (Panulirus interruptus, Figure 1), which are the focus of many SBC LTER studies, are important predators in giant kelp forests (Reed, 2019). Monito...
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Sierra Amphibian Report
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE) # upload packages library(tidyverse) library(janitor) library(here) library(readxl) library(gghighlight) library(lubridate) library(plotly) library(patchwork) # Read in data sierra_amphibians <- read_excel("sierra_amphibians.xlsx") Part 1: graph of total mountain yellow-legged ...
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